Sharon Watts arrived in Albert Square, Walford at the tender age of 3 having been adopted by, Den & Angie. Living in the Queen Victoria pub, Sharon got up to all sorts with her best mate 'Chelle, forming "The Banned". Den got stuck into womanising and dodgy dealings while Angie drank heavily to keep her face on for the punters.

In 1985,'Chelle was pregnant by Den. 'Chelle gave birth to baby Vicki, Sharon's half sister in 1986, aged 17. Angie, having been told Den was leaving her for a woman called Jan, dropped a desperate bombshell - she only had six months to live. Den however, soon discovered this was a porkie and chose his moment to present Angie with the divorce papers. Christmas afternoon, Angie and Sharon left The Vic.
But as Sharon grew into a woman, her beloved poodle Roly, and 'Chelle were forever at her side. Den, however was not there for his Princess. He had become involved in another dodgy dealing with a gang called "The Firm". Wanting revenge on James Wilmott-Brown for raping Kathy Beale, he arranged for The Dagmar to be torched. He would take the rap and go to prison in exchange for a hefty cash sum upon release. Whilst he was on remand, The Firm suspected Den was grassing them up and he was to be "dealt with". A gun hidden in a bunch of daffodils seemed to do the trick. When Sharon discovered her dad's ring on a market stall, the canal was dredged, and a body, identified as Den's,was discovered.
As the hair got shorter, so did the skirts. She filled her wardrobe with smart suits, and was the image of the successful business woman when she took over the lease of the Vic. One look at her legs, and it was love for Grant Mitchell. He knew he had to have her, and she couldn�t resist him for long. On Boxing Day 1991, Grant Mitchell and Sharon Watts were married.
By 1992, Sharon & Phil were unable to deny their feelings for one another any longer and they ended up sleeping together. It soon developed into a full-blown affair, despite Phil making an honest woman of girlfriend Kathy Beale, by asking her to marry him.All was revealed at their engagement party however, when Grant played the "Sharongate" tape, featuring Shall & 'Chelle discussing the affair with Phil, to a packed pub. Kathy was left reeling, but it was Phil who went looking for Grant. He discovered him in The Arches.  Not wanting to lose his brother, he begged Grant to hit him, to allow him to get it all out his system. Intially Grant refused, but Phil persisted, winding him up until finally, Grant rose to the bait and they fought. It ended with Phil ending up unconscious, surrounded by a pool of blood in the pit.
       Whilst Phil recovered in hospital and he & Grant had blamed the entire episode on Shall, she was back in Walford, packing her bags and ready to espace to Florida with 'Chelle (who was pregnant by Grant!) and nine year-old Vicki.
And it was there she stayed, with her good ol' mum Ange, until she discovered that old enemy Peggy was having to sell The Vic. Sharon snapped up her old home. Her beau from The States eventually followed. But she was rid of Ross pretty soon after a visit from his mum.
      Sharon rekindled her passion with old flame Phil, which ruffled the feathers of her arch enemy, Phil's mum, Peggy. It lasted quite a while until Phil told Sharon he wanted to have kids with her. Then she had to drop her bombshell. She had aborted Grant's child. The operation was botched, and so she was infertile. Phil went ballistic. He couldn't believe that Sharon would betray his bruv like that.
      On Christmas Day 2001 Sharon left Phil to go and see her mum in Florida. She says there is no point to their relationship. They are just trying to put right a wrong from all those years ago.
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