Angie Watts died on the 6th April 2002. Sharon returned to Walford to bury her mum on the 22nd. At the wake, she met up with old schoolfriend Tom. Romance blossomed, and they bought the e20, transforming it into Angie's Den. Rumours arose that Tom was married. His wife Sadie, and her daughter Charlotte, turned up..
             Sadie embarked on a plan to turn Walford against Tom, but it didn't work and Sadie & Charlotte disappeared.Tom discovered he had an inoperable brain tumour. He didn't tell Sharon, because he wanted a girlfriend, not a nurse. When she proposed, he began to push her away. Eventually, Sharon discovered the truth and she vowed to stay with him until the end because she loved him. She proposed again and this time, Tom accepted.
              Bily & Little Mo's engagement party at Angie's Den became their own and it was a double celebration. Trevor kidnapped Mo, holding her and his baby son Sean hostage in the Slater house. They were all going to die together. Little Mo grew strong and called Trevor's bluff.. Mo lit a match & she realised he wasn't joking.
               Firefighter Tom ran straight in to save them. He rescued baby Sean & Little Mo, but when he went back for Trevor, he met his end as the house exploded. Tom was buried, and for the first time, Sharon met his mother, Bridget. She begged Sharon to come to Ireland with her, so she could share some memories of Tom. Sharon went, but not before confessing to a guilt ridden Little Mo that it didn't matter if Tom died in the fire, he was dying anyway.
After a time in Ireland with Tom's mother, Sharon threw herself into running Angie's Den & was elated when half sister Vicki came to Walford from The States. Together they tracked down a half brother Dennis. Sharon was really shocked when Dennis made a pass at her, and she shoved him back. However, in the September of that same year (2003) Sharon was increasingly vunerable as Dennis announced that Dirty Den was alive and well. Seeing how much it hurt her, Dennis retracted it, and declared it a rumour.

One night, having dealt with Sam & Phil Mitchell's jibes about him being unwanted particularly badly, Dennis trudged home and sat in the dark drinking alcohol and shovelling back fistfuls of pills. This was the night when Dennis demanded to know how Sharon could ever have let the likes of Phil Mitchell touch her. When Sharon retorted that she was using him for sex, Dennis begged her "use me instead". Against her better judgement, Sharon tumbled into bed with Dennis. He decalred his love and Sharon couldn't handle it, especially when she discovered the father she thought was dead, stood in the shadows of Angie's Den!
It took Sharon a very long while until she would admit she loved Dennis, and at Valentine's last year, they began a public relationship. Den was not happy to discover his Princess was bedding his son and some manipulation saw that Dennis ended the relationship. Heartbroken, Sharon waited for Dennis to come back to her, only to have to watch him get it together with Zoe Slater. Dennis admitted in November he wasn't happy and he & Sharon began an affair, deciding to come clean at Christmas, being determined to flee to New York together. Den however, convinced desperate Zoe the only way to keep her man was to lie about being pregnant. So tearfully, Sharon left the Square, telling Dennis to be better to his child than Den had been to them. Dennis was heartbroken, and promised, upon his goodbye, that he and Sharon were "Forever".
Chrissie, learning of Zoe & Den's deceit as Dennis fled the Square, plotted her revenge with Zoe & Sam, getting Sharon back to Walford to hear Den to confess to his lies. Sharon disowned him, and headed to search for her lover. They returned to Walford together in June 2005; ready to confront Den over their renewed relationship & instead Zoe's pregnancy lie was exposed and she left.
Dennis & Sharon moved in with a resentful Chrissie and rowed about where to lay roots as their stepmother caused trouble over issues of marriage, hoping they would leave; but it instead promptly led to Dennis asking Sharon to marry him, and she happily accepted, finally becoming Mrs Sharon Rickman on August 29th 2005!
The Rickmans did not have the best start to married life when Den's body was uncovered from The Vic's cellar by a deranged Sam Mitchell on their wedding day. Upon arrest, Sam confessed that Chrissie was Den's killer but Sharon was not to be convinced until the return of the Mitchell brothers, which saw Chrissie go down for Den's murder.

Upon returning from a belated honeymoon, Sharon & Dennis moved into number 29. On Christmas Day, Sharon dragged Dennis to A&E, suspecting him of having given her food poisoning. As it turned out, the seemingly infertile Mrs Rickman was expecting a baby! Sharon and Dennis were elated, but this did not keep him from a feud with Johnny Allen. He threatened Sharon with Dennis' life unless they left the Square forever by New Year. Terrified, Sharon managed to convince Dennis to emigrate to America for a new life with their child, but not before confiding in Phil that she was running from Johnny. Phil, determined to settle his own score with Johnny, told Dennis how his wife had been threatened. Dennis took the bait and savagely beat Johnny, leaving him half dead - tossing him his mobile phone as a last act of pity. Dennis was fatally stabbed by Danny Moon on his way across the Sqaure and died in his wife's arms as the clock struck midnight, his hand on her stomach, his last words being "We did it", meaning their long awaited baby.

Sharon left for America after Dennis' funeral and gave birth to their son there, alerting Pauline with a picture message in early July. The baby was named Dennis Junior in honour of his father.
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