Update Archive

July 28th 2000 - Update
New pictures added to the WWF gallery (on page 2) of the 6 person tag match at Fully Loaded, taken from WWFDivas.com

July 27th 2000 - Update
New section added. Find match reports for all matches involving Lita listed on the home page

July 21st 2000 - Update
I have just put up a message board. The first topic of disscussion is....... Well that would be telling you'll have to go find out wont you

July 12th 2000 - The Beginning
Welcome to my Lita site and thanks for visiting. Please take the time to fill in my Guestbook. At the moment there is only a modest sized gallery but I assure you that over time it will get alot lot bigger. As this is the beginning there are proabaly a few dead links. If you find some let me know and they be fixed.

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