Desktop Themes


Download the .zip file (if you dont have winzip download the latest version here.) Unzip it, open the .bmp picture in paint and set as wallpaper (centered).

Lita wallpaper 1
800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Lita wallpaper 2
800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Lita wallpaper 3
800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Lita wallpaper 4
800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Lita wallpaper 5
800 x 600 | 640 x 480
Lita World Order Wallpaper
800 x 600 | 640 x 480

Comming soon - Icons for you PC desktop

E-Mail: [email protected]

Webmasters: Do not link directly to these files download them and upload to your own server. Give credit to The Lita Site
Thanks to Mark Hardy's Hardy Boyz and Lita Site for wallpaper 3 - The Hardyz/Lita one

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