Match Reports for July 2000

August 1st 2000 - Raw is War (28th July)
In the main event, Triple H and Trish went up against The Rock and Lita. Triple H was obviously not happy about his paring with Trish, and he refused to even look her way initially. But after getting beaten by The Rock, the Game had no problem tagging Trish in. The Rock, not being one to fight a woman, immediately tagged in Lita, who nearly got the pin, until Triple H ran over and clotheslined her! Lita then took down Triple H and then tagged in the Brahma Bull. Triple H got to his feet and started beating The Rock, almost pinning him several times. The Rock kept coming back, and nearly pinned Hunter, had it not been for Trish's interference. Then, The Rock Rock Bottomed Trish and tagged in Lita, who got the pin. After the match, Rock nailed Hunter with a steel chair, knocking him into a very interesting position on top of Trish! The Rock was having the last laugh as RAW went off the air!
Winner : Lita and The Rock Taken from

July 28th 2000 - SmackDown
Lita and Chris Jericho -vs- Trish Stratus and Chris Benoit
The first action seen by Lita is when Benoit is thrown over the top rope and Trish makes her way in. Lita cuts her down with a clothes line and is the whiped off the ropes by Jericho and baseball slides under the bottom rope to knock Trish down again. Later on Lita breaks up a Three count when Benoit seemingly had the match won and was tossed over the top for her efforts. Jericho then puts Trish in the walls of jericho but benoit rips him off, Trish rolls to the outside. From nowhere comes Lita with a huricanrana on Benoit and then uses the ropes to cataulpult herself into a crossbody on Trish. Jericho then hits a lionsault for the win.
Winner : Lita and Chris Jericho

July 25th 2000 - Raw is War
Stephinie McMahon-Helmsley and Shane McMahon -vs- Lita and The Big Show
Lita came out as the first of the McMahons suprise opponents. Shane got on the mic and vowed to protect his baby sister from who ever the other opponent was. It turned out to be the Big Show! Shane was completely astonished, and he sprinted to the back as fast as his legs would carry him with The Show chasing, leaving Stephanie alone with Lita. Stephanie took quite a beating in a short space of time, and Lita had her set up for a moonsault. But Trish Stratus came out, knocked Lita off the top rope, and whipped her repeatedly with a belt. Stephanie got in a few kicks for good measure, and the two women walked off together, arm in arm, bitches united
Winner : No Contest

Lita -vs-Trish Stratus
After being assaulted from behind by Trish Stratus, Lita demanded Commissioner Foley make a match with her, and Foley agreed. So the two ladies met in an Indian Strap Match. Lita whipped Trish relentlessly, stripped off her shirt and whiped her again, hit the Twist of Fate and then a moonsault off the top rope. The ref had been knocked out so and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley came out with her Women's Championship. Lita at first spotted her, but when she was distracted by Trish, Stephanie nailed Lita with the belt, knocking her unconscious. Trish get the Three Count when the ref came round.
Winner : Trish Stratus

July 24th 2000 - Fully Loaded PPV
The Hardy Boyz and Lita -vs- T & A and Trish Stratus
As soon as Lita and the Hardys arrived to the ring, the two teams began brawling. Lita chases Trish around the ring and Albert was left in the ring with Matt Hardy. Matt went for an earlt finish with the Twist of Fate but Albert lifted him up in the air and threw him away. Albert then began laying into Matt with kicks to the sternum and tried to pin him, but couldn�t. Matt took Albert down with an arm draw, but Albert back body dropped Matt to the outside.

Test is tagged in and imidietly whipped Matt into the corner. Test charged Matt, but took a boot to the face. Matt sent Test down to the mat and used the "Drop Shot" on him from the middle rope. Matt then tagged Jeff and they briefly double-teamed Test. Test took Jeff down with a spinning sidewalk slam. Test went to the outside and took a cross body over the top from Jeff. Jeff rolled himself and Test back in the ring and began kicking away at Test. Jeff then tagged Matt back in and they double-teamed him.

Test took Matt down hard and tagged Trish in. She slapped Matt and accidentally slapped Test. Matt rolled Trish up, but Test broke it up. Trish tried to drop an elbow on a fallen Matt, but he moved and tagged Lita. Trish then tagged Albert in a fint of scardness. Albert chased Lita around, but both the Hardys came in and double-teamed Albert. Lita, Matt, and Jeff triple-suplexed Trish and Test. Albert lifted Jeff up over his head and threw him over the top rope to the floor.

Albert gave Jeff a butterfly suplex when he got back to the ring, and he then tagged Test. They lifted Jeff way up into the air and dropped him down hard. Test went for the pin and only got a two count. Test went for the pump handle, but Jeff broke out of it and put Test in a sunset flip, for a two-count seconds later. Test then gave Jeff a full nelson slam and a chin lock. Test took Jeff down with a powerbomb and went for an elbow from the top, but missed. Jeff kicked Test in the face and tagged Matt.

Matt gave Test several right hands and bulldogged him from the top rope. Matt knocked Albert off the ring apron, but took a Melt Down from Test. Test went for the pin, but Jeff gave him the SwanTon Bomb. Matt then gave Albert a version of the Twist of Fate, and Lita is tagged in.

She pulled of a scintillating tornado DDT, then straight up for a cross body to the helpless Albert who was on the outside and then a hit Test with a huricanrana off the top, Albert hit Lita from behind and Test powerbombed her. Test then tagged Trish, who came in for a two-count. Trish gave Lita a bulldog and got another two count.

Trish took Lita down with an elbow and went to the top rope. Lita then superplexed Trish off the top and went for the pin, but Albert broke it up. Lita and Trish were the only ones in the ring, and Lita gave Trish a moonsault for the three-count and the win. Albert then gave Lita a clothesline from behind. T&A then destroyed Matt and Jeff Hardy. Test took both of them down with big boots and Trish whipped Lita with a leather belt.
Winner : The Hardyz and Lita

Rikishi -vs- Val Venis w/Trish Stratus
Just after Rikishi is hit with the Money Shot, Lita comes to the ring with the belt Trish used earlier and whips her within an inch of her sorry life to the back
Winner : Val Venis

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