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Mission Work in Haiti
  Report and pictures of our trip to Haiti
Come along with us on a journey to the mission fields. First we will visit the country of Haiti and later go on to visit St. Vincent & The Grenadines. You will see the land and it's people. The need for missionaries in these countries is great. If you feel the call for missions, please let us know and pray for our ministry there. The harvest is great! The laborers are few!
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.  John 4:35
Pictures from Haiti
Within these mountains of Haiti lies small remote villages.    It is here that we took the gospel to the Haitian people.
Here Bro. King passes out toys to the children in a remote part of Haiti. We also bought   necsessary medicine and supplies and purchased food for the children while we were there. The children in these orphanages need our help desperately. Through our help and  those with whom we work, they are able to eat once a day, otherwise they eat once every 3 days.
In our trip here, most of the children were down to their last meal, lilterally. Notice the church that we were in here. It had no roof, other than a few sheets of tin, no floor, no windows.  We had services in this church after dark by the use of two old lanterns hanging from a beam overhead.
Here are two of our representatives in Haiti. They work hard and labor among  the Haitians daily. They need your prayers and support. Pictured with them is a missionary to Haiti with whom we also work.
Pictured here is an orphanage located in a small village far from the capital. To get to this particular orphanage, we had to ride on the back of a truck for many miles, then walk for several miles into the village, even beyond the village. We had to wade through a river between two canyon walls to get here. There was no other way of access.
The Voice of Missions
Mission Work in St. Vincent & The Grenadines

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