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                         Mission Work in
  St. Vincent & The Grenadines
The mountainous terrain of St. Vincent is very picturesque. It is also on this island that many people live and work. It is to these people that we took the gospel to on our trip here.
Greetings from The Voice of Missions and staff! On our journey through the Caribbean, we welcome you to another page from our photo album. Today we will visit St. Vincent & The Grenadines.
    The people here are hungry for a move of God, but how can they hear without a preacher? How can they preach except they be sent? Jesus said,"This gospel shall be preached unto all nations..." God is raising up men and women with a heart for missions. Will you be one who will grab the torch and run with it?.
For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty; and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison and ye came unto me. Matt.25:35-36
Mission work in St. Vincent
Mt.Soufriere is a volcano located on the northern top of the island. Between it and the ocean lies a lava bed of past eruptions. This lava bed separates some of the villages on the northern end of the island from those of the southern end, but the gospel must be taken to them as well.
Here we are preparing for a baptismal service. These services are very different from similiar services in the States. In these services, everyone lines up in the church behind the candidates for baptism and a man with a large cross in his hand will lead the way down the main road into the capital until we get to the place of baptism. The man with the cross then goes into the water first and plants the cross in the middle of the water. It is here, at the foot of the cross, that the candidates are baptized.
Here the actual baptism is conducted by our representative in St. Vincent. Notice how muddy the water is. The reason  being is that the rainy season had just ended when we were there and all the excess water and mud from the mountain streams were still coming off the mountains.
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