The Outreach of Leonard King Ministries
Messages of hope, healing, and deliverance
By Evangelist Leonard King
Greetings in the name of Jesus!

I pray that all is well with our brothers and sisters around the world.

My name is Evangelist Leonard King and with the unity of my brother, not only in the Lord, but also naturally, we have set out to do what God has ordained us to do, to reach the lost and dying world for Jesus Christ.

The Word of God tells us to reach all nations, and with God in control, that's what we are striving to do. We continue to pray for our contact people and their families and needs as we are sure that our ministry is kept in your prayers as well.

We know and understand the turmoil that is taking place in the world today, but let us not lose focus on what God can and will do in our lives if we only let him. I believe that one of the greatest missionaries who ever lived stated it best. His name was William Carey (the great missionary to India). In his words, he said that he expected great things from God and he attempted great things for his Lord and Saviour. By his obedience and faith, his harvest in India was great.

If we keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ, we like Brother Carey, can see a great revival take place; and I'm believing  God for just that.  Like William Carey, my heart is stirred for the country of India, as well as others.

The fellowship that we have with our prayer partners there is very special. We have some of the greatest prayer partners in the world in India, and through unity with them, we can see God move in their great country as he did in the late 1700's and early 1800's for a missionary named William Carey. I believe that there is going to be yet another great harvest in this country.

In conclusion, I know that there are those who are not familiar with my ministry so allow me at this time to give my testimony.
"My Testimony"

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