My Testimony
By Brother Leonard King
See What Great Things God Hath Done!
As you read the awesome  testimony of  Brother Leonard King, may you become more aware of God's divine protection through this testimony. The psalmist David says it best..."The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."  Psalms 34:7
The Testimony of Bro. Leonard King

As you know, I am the brother (both spiritually and naturally) of Brother Larry King. God has placed a calling upon our lives to preach the gospel to every nation.

As I was growing up, even as a sinner, I had great reverence for God, his people, and his church. I felt even as a youngster that some day God had a plan for me, but I didn't know what it was. I believe God kept his hand on me from a very early age, because of his plans for my life.

In 1992, I was saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost. Shortly after, God called me into the ministry.

In 1994, I was in an automobile crash, where I hit another car head-on. The car was demolished and I was cut from the car using the "jaws of life". I was taken to a hospital, where my family was told the news. I had broken one of my ribs and it had cut the aorta (the main blood vessel going through the body from the heart). They were told that I was bleeding internally and that I only had a 5 % chance of living. In fact, the doctor in the emergency room told me that I probably wouldn't live through the night. If the aorta bursted, I would bleed to death in 2 minutes.

Immediately, I was flown to a larger hospital. The doctors had already told my family that I would not survive the flight there. Upon arrival at the hospital, they began to run a series of tests at once, and were preparing for surgery. After 6 hours of testing, the doctor came in and said that the tests were all negative and that the aorta was completely healed. God had did his own miraculous surgery on board the airplane on the flight to the hospital.

Several years later, I was involved in yet another accident. The vehicle that I was in rolled down the side of a steep embankment. The car rolled about seven times and came to rest about halfway
down the embankment, lodged between two rocks. I was taken to the hospital once again yet suffered only a few scratches.

Several times the devil has tried to take me out of here and stop my ministry, but God wasn't finished with me and so the devil would only fail. God has called me to do a job for him and he will keep his hand on my life.

In closing, remember that through love, understanding, and prayer, we can and we will reach the world.

Pray for us and with us.

God bless you all.

                 Evang. Leonard King
                 The Voice of Missions
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