An Apology to Aline


Three times he'd turned back on the way to Mme de Plougastel's abode. Three times he'd found reasons not to go. He would be unwelcome; he would only upset Aline further; they would probably quarrel; it was foolhardy for him to be visiting the home of a woman whose husband was a known spy for the Austrians. Three times he nearly gave up and three times he caught himself just in time. If he were not welcome, he could leave. If he quarreled with Aline, then what was new, they always quarrelled like the cousins they'd been brought up to be. If M. de Plougastel was a spy, what of it, he was visiting Aline not her companion and besides had not Mme de Plougastel compromised him already by coming to the Academy in daylight? Maybe it was foolhardy, but when had that ever stopped Andre-Louis Moreau in the past? He knocked on the door and it was opened by a servant. "Is Mamzelle de Kercadieu at home?" he inquired.


When Mme de Plougastel had brought news of Andre�s well being, the relief he felt surprised even her. It caused her to wonder over her feeling for her cousin and to try to dismiss them. She was still wondering over the matter as she sat in the little garden, ignoring the tea set before her and unconsciously stripping an innocent flower if it�s petals when one of Mme de Plougastel�s servants announced the arrival of Andre-Louis.

�Bring him here,� Aline demanded a little too enthusiastically. As the servant left, Aline stood and brushed off the petals that clung to her dress, trying to brush away the evidence of her distress.


She had her back to him, brushing her skirts. He thrilled at the sight of her, the soul mate of his youth. He wanted to rush to her side and, on one knee, still that precious hand with kisses... but he could not. The part of him that would forever be Scaramouche would not permit serious passion in the place of banter, no matter how inappropriate the situation. "I hope that flower is not meant to be me, little cousin?" he asked with a disarming grin, "you obviously regard it as an enemy and a vanquished one at that."


Excitement and relief welled up in her breast, as he heard Andre-Louis's voice, turning to see him doubled it. If not for that aloof matter with which he held himself she would have held out her arms to embrace him, but her cousin was not the sort to entertain tender emotions, and so her arms remained at her sides.

"Enemy? I perceive neither you nor the rose to be my enemy," Aline returned. "The rose was a victim of idle hands." She gestured for him to take the seat beside her, then sat down herself. "Mme. de Plougastel informs me that you were not hurt during you escapade this morning." Her tone made it almost a question.


"Did you really think I would be?" he countered, approaching her. His tone was one of gratitude for her concern, but in his eyes was an expression of reproach that she should think so poorly of his skill with a sword.


�Would you not in my place?� Aline asked. �It has long been said that the Marquis de la Tour d�Azyr was one of the finest swordsmen alive� and you have only taken up the art a short time ago. Would you not feel the same way in my place?�


"Experience versus talent!" he replied and instantly wished he could have cut out his tongue. "I had a reason to win. It gave me an edge... Philippe... you remember?"


�Of course, I remember,� Aline returned, trying to avoid argument. �How can I not remember when you remind me every time we meet? You reminded me of him when I met you in the company of that� actress�� her tone hardened at the mention of the woman Andre-Louis had once proposed to marry �� and again when I came to dissuade you from your encounter with the Marquis. I grieve his loss as well, but neither grieving or fighting the Marquise will bring him back to us.�


"I swore an oath," he countered, but softly, calmly... for one second being perfectly sensible. "I swore I would get him justice or revenge. Justice turned its head away, so revenge it had to be, but it's over now."


�Well, I am greatly relieved that that you were not injured in fulfilling your oath,� Aline confessed. �And now that you have had your revenge what shall you do? Will you try to make peace with my uncle?� Who was as worried as she was about the duel, and who bore the greater guilt that he and Andre-Louis had parted on such retched terms. �Will you continue to work for that vile government?�


"Oh, Aline, why can you and my god-father not see the good which the Assembly has done? Perhaps if you would come to the public gallery and listen to the speeches you would understand, as I do, our vision for France." he put a hand on each of her dainty shoulders, "I know there has been violence and I've been as guilty as any this passed sennight, but that's all behind us now. We've made the break from the old regime. It's time now to build the future... a better, fairer future for all citizens, not just the privileged classes. 1792 will be a glorious year, I'm sure. My term as a representative is coming to an end, but I have been offered a seat on the new Committee of Public Safety. I intend to take it."


He spoke as if he believed every word he said, and yet she remembered a time when her cousin held a vastly different opinion of the individuals he was now working alone side. �You have changed so much since you left Gavrillac,� Aline said, gazing up at him curiously, all too aware of the hands that rested upon her shoulders. �I remember when you would scold Philippe for believe such things could be true� Is it really fairer for all?�


"I can help to make it fairer. Oh little cousin," he let his arms slide down to her hands, then held them wide apart as though to get a clearer look at her, "Yes I scolded Philippe for rocking the boat. I thought he wanted to put in place something which was no better than the status quo... because I thought the status quo was fair and just. It was naivety on my part and I learnt my lesson the hard way. Now we have a chance to start a new and we can make the same mistakes as before or we can learn from them. I want to be part of that... I can make a difference now... don't you see that I have to try?"


"So... are you to reprise the part of Scaramouche? The political up-start? The impulsive fool? I met him once Andre, I have little desire to meet him again." She struggled to keep her voice low and even as she spoke. She wondered, in that instant, how much of oneself one could entirely control. Her nerves were raw from the fright she had endured earlier and words began to spew from her like water from the fountains of Versailles . "While I see that you believe everything you have said here with such conviction, I fail to understand how I can possibly fit into this plot. You say 'we have a chance to start anew' but I will not play your Climene cousin. That role does not suit me."


"I would not wish you to be Climene... not for me, nor for anyone." by which he meant d'Azyr. "Aline, I have been honest with you, now please be honest with me... you aren't really intending to marry d'Azyr still... are you?" He looked at her with those soulful black eyes, yet a playful smile was hovering around the corners of his mouth.


She examined his face, attempting to find signs of the actor. It was true that he had never given her a reason to doubt him, and yet she had witnessed him slightly deceiving those around him. "I find your question a bit absurd my dear Andre. The Marquis has practically banished himself from Paris . In truth, I have not seen nor heard from him since the date of *your* last encounter." There was some merriment on his face that she could not comprehend. "Still, it was lucky for him that he left when he did. It seems that passage out of Paris is not so easy these days..."


"Not for men like d'Azyr at any rate. No, I think he's still around somewhere, licking his wounds. But you haven't answered my question." There was no anger, just a burning desire to know the truth, "If he showed up tomorrow, would you still consider yourself engaged to him? Aline, I have to know."


"I..." she started, still uncertain of her response, even after the first syllable had been uttered. "No. I would not." She resolutely stated. The admission was so jarring she felt as though the wind were knocked from her lungs and she reeled for a moment. Aline had not thought on it since D'Azyr had left and it was now that she realized she could not be his wife. "Everything is so different now."


"Thank God!" he breathed. Moreau didn't even really believe in God, but the exclamation was heart felt. Suddenly he was shaking, his legs turned to jelly... now he understood why men always proposed on one knee. He dropped onto both of his before her and turned his best feature - those soul-engulfing black eyes - imploringly up towards her delicate face. "Marry me!" It wasn't poetic or eloquent, and Scaramouche would have winced at the pathetic, almost pleading delivery; but it was everything he had yearned to say since the day she had first announced her engagement to d'Azyr.


"Are you mad?" She said breathlessly. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She wanted to call out, to yell at him. He obviously did not understand. How could they be married with Aline being the daughter of an aristo (although a compassionate one who was fair and just) and Andre-Louis, a newly appointed member of the committee of Public Safety? "Do you realize what you are saying?" She said, her face hot as the anger rose from within her. For all the playing that Aline had done with Andre-Louis this was one subject she had never imagined them.


He wasn't quite sure what to do. For perhaps the first time in his life he had let down the defenses and this beauty had simply wheeled in a Trojan horse. He let her go, his arms limp by his sides "I thought you wanted to be honest about this. No jests, no laughter." he turned slightly away from her, if he saw her face he would crumble, "Of course my last engagement was not made in such a manner and I trust yours wasn't either. I've never felt this way about anyone but you. I wanted to make you jealous... make you leave d'Azyr... God forgive me, I even wanted to hurt you for hurting me so deeply. That's all." He was reeling up the psychological drawbridge fast now. "Of course... if you wish me to propose as Scaramouche, I can." The draw-bridge clanged shut, portcullis dropped down and archers at their posts once more. He gave her a lop-sided grin.


She looked to him, dropping her voice to a whisper. "I cannot help but wonder if your previous engagement was made in such a manner." She absently felt her jaw clench. "For a man who had previously protected his emotions with every facade he could ever conceive, you certainly are speaking on impulse today. Forgive me if I seemed taken by surprise, but I am..." She was not prepared to answer his question just yet. Perhaps if she could distract him for a moment, she could collect her thoughts. teasing each other about.


Of course he was mad... the whole world was mad, hadn't she realized that by now? "I've never meant anything more in my life." He knew his feelings for Aline could jeopardize his career in the Committee, his existence even; but he didn't care. Moreau had spent his entire life as an outsider and the last few years as a fugitive outlaw. It would be no hardship be so once more... not if Aline were with him. He rose a put his hands either side of her beautiful face with its closed eyes. "I love you. I think I always have loved you, but couldn't see it. Now look at me... look at me and tell me you don't feel the same way about me."


She looked to him, dropping her voice to a whisper. "I cannot help but wonder if your previous engagement was made in such a manner." She absently felt her jaw clench. "For a man who had previously protected his emotions with every facade he could ever conceive, you certainly are speaking on impulse today. Forgive me if I seemed taken by surprise, but I am..." She was not prepared to answer his question just yet. Perhaps if she could distract him for a moment, she could collect her thoughts.


He wasn't quite sure what to do. For perhaps the first time in his life he had let down the defenses and this beauty had simply wheeled in a Trojan horse. He let her go, his arms limp by his sides "I thought you wanted to be honest about this. No jests, no laughter." he turned slightly away from her, if he saw her face he would crumble, "Of course my last engagement was not made in such a manner and I trust yours wasn't either. I've never felt this way about anyone but you. I wanted to make you jealous... make you leave d'Azyr... God forgive me, I even wanted to hurt you for hurting me so deeply. That's all." He was reeling up the psychological draw-bridge fast now. "Of course... if you wish me to propose as Scaramouche, I can." The draw-bridge clanged shut, portcullis dropped down and archers at their posts once more. He gave her a lop-sided grin.


"I hurt you? I did not realize I was doing so... you must know that." Confusion. Utter confusion was the only thing she was feeling. She had only known such turmoil when she discovered that D'Azyr and the actress had a liaison. She stepped closer to him. "You have had time to consider your feelings, Andre. Would you allow me time to consider mine? Your announcement was sudden and..." she paused for a moment, collecting herself before finishing her response, "a bit of a shock."


"Time you shall have," he declared, once more his usual jesting self, "and if I could parcel it up with a huge ribbon, I would, just for you." He took her hand and kissed it, "When you are ready let me know. Au revoir and remember the answer you're looking for is, yes!" He winked and started to head backwards towards the door.

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This thread is continued from The Fencing School

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