Mind The Baby
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    Quick Jump Season 1:
    1.01 - Premiere
    1.02 - Throne For A Loss
    1.03 - Back And ... To The Future
    1.04 - I, E.T.
    1.05 - Exodus From Genesis
    1.06 - Thank God It's Friday Again
    1.07 - PK Tech Girl
    1.08 - That Old Black Magic
    1.09 - DNA Mad Scientist
    1.10 - They've Got A Secret
    1.11 - Till The Blood Runs Clear
    1.12 - The Flax
    1.13 - Rhapsody In Blue
    1.14 - Jeremiah Crichton
    1.15 - Durka Returns
    1.16 - A Human Reaction
    1.17 - Through The Looking Glass
    1.18 - A Bug's Life
    1.19 - Nerve
    1.20 - The Hidden Memory
    1.21 - Bone To Be Wild
    1.22 - Family Ties

    Quick Jump Season 2:
    2.01 - Mind The Baby
    2.02 - Vitas Mortis
    2.03 - Taking The Stone
    2.04 - Crackers Don't Matter
    2.05 - The Way We Weren't
    2.06 - Picture If You Will
    2.07 - Home On The Remains
    2.08 - Dream A Little Dream
    2.09 - Out Of Their Minds
    2.10 - A Kiss Is But A Kiss
    2.11 - I Do, I Think
    2.12 - The Maltese Crichton
    2.13 - My Three Crichtons
    2.14 - Beware Of Dog
    2.15 - Won't Get Fooled Again
    2.16 - The Locket
    2.17 - The Ugly Truth
    2.18 - A Clockwork Nebari
    2.19 - A Not So Simple Plan
    2.20 - With Friends Like These...?
    2.21 - Plan B
    2.22 - Die Me Dichotomy

    Quick Jump Season 3:
    3.01 - Season Of Death
    3.02 - Suns and Lovers
    3.03 - Could'a Should'a Would'a
    3.04 - Wait For The Wheel
    3.05 - ...Different Destinations
    3.06 - Eat Me
    3.07 - Thanks For Sharing
    3.08 - Green Eyed Monster
    3.09 - Losing Time
    3.10 - Relativity
    3.11 - Incubator
    3.12 - Meltdown
    3.13 - Scratch 'n' Sniff
    3.14 - Daedalus Demands
    3.15 - Icarus Abides
    3.16 - Revenging Angel
    3.17 - The Choice
    3.18 - Fractures
    3.19 - I-Yensch, You-Yensch
    3.20 - Lambs To The Slaughter
    3.21 - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
    3.22 - Dog With Two Bones

    Quick Jump Season 4:
    4.01 - Crichton Kicks
    4.02 - Sacrifice
    4.03 - Resurrection
    4.04 - Lava's A Many ... Thing
    4.05 - Promises
    4.06 - Natural Election
    4.07 - John Quixote
    4.08 - I Shrink Therefore I Am
    4.09 - A Prefect Murder
    4.10 - Coup By Clam
    4.11 - Unrealized Reality
    4.12 - Kansas
    4.13 - Terra Firma
    4.14 - Twice Shy
    4.15 - Mental As Anything
    4.16 - Bringing Home The Beacon
    4.17 - A Constellation Of Doubt
    4.18 - Prayer
    4.19 - Fetal Attraction
    4.20 - Hot To Katratzi
    4.21 - La Bomba
    4.22 - Bad Timing

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    2.01 - Mind The Baby

    Brief | Story | Trivia Quiz | Continuity | Quotes | Writer | Director | Aliens | Farewell | Guest | Personal

    Brief synopsis:
    Scattered across space, the crew of Moya attempt to regain some control of the situation. A deal between Aeryn and Crais saves the lives of Crichton and D'Argo, whilst Zhaan, Chiana and Rygel return aboard Moya to try and help. Scorpius is determined to get Crichton however, and is willing to destroy anything in his way. In the end, an unlikely partnership is formed, leading to the crew's escape.

    The Main Story:
    The episode starts with D'Argo having a nightmare about Zhaan and the others aboard Moya getting attacked whilst he wasn't there to defend them. He awakens to find himself with Crichton, who tells D'Argo that he has been out for days, but that he is alive. Aeryn had scooped them out of space, but was now looking for supplies in her Prowler. However, we see a meeting take place between Aeryn and Crais who are apparently in league.

    When Aeryn returns, both D'Argo and Crichton are keen to leave, but encounter extreme resistance from Aeryn, who says that the Carrier is still looking for them, and that it would be best to stay put. Her continuing protests make both me suspicious. Still, Aeryn leaves again, and meets with Crais, where they talk about sharing command of Talyn. She helps him control Talyn who is spooked by broadband transmissions from Scorpius's command carrier.

    Aeryn later comes back to the asteroid where John and D'Argo are playing games to keep themselves busy, but is this time unable to avoid John's questions. He knows her too well, and knows she is holding back. She admits the truth that Crais was the only reason she was able to get John and D'Argo to safety and that this was where they started a deal, where Aeryn is to help Crais gain control of Talyn. D'Argo uses his tongue to knock Aeryn out, and Crichton goes after Crais aboard Aeryn's prowler.

    Back aboard Moya, Chiana and Rygel find that Pilot and Moya want to return to the asteroid field to try and help Talyn. They aren't sure what to do, and try to talk to Zhaan. However, the priestess has returned to the seek, and seems free of all cares and concerns, leaving Chiana, Rygel and Pilot to decide what to do. Crais meanwhile contacts Scorpius, to tell him that he is gaining command of Talyn, but has not yet found Crichton, is he a traitor? Crichton arrives though, and confronts the Peacekeeper. Captive Captain?

    Crais wants to escape to the Uncharted Territories, but Crichton tries to stop him. Despite Crais's command over Talyn's internal defence guns, Crichton manages to abduct the renegade. Fortunately, as he does so, Moya detects Talyn's distress call and arrives back on the scene, allowing Crichton to come aboard with Crais. After reuniting with Chiana and Rygel, Crichton has time to try and break through to Zhaan, but has no success. He then returns to get Aeryn and D'Argo, and brings them aboard Moya. However, their problems are not over yet as Talyn can't starburst, so the two ships cannot yet escape together.

    Aeryn tries to calm Talyn down, but is unsuccessful, and the ship begins to flee. Whilst in pursuit, Crais becomes very reflective, talking of D'Argo's past, admitting he was innocent, but saying he found the cross-breeding repellant, and also of his respect for Zhaan's achievements during incarceration. However, the Command Carrier soon catches up. Talyn fires at Moya, a warning shot, and demands a captain. Crais.

    Crais is allowed to leave, but Aeryn goes with him, partly to keep an eye on him to make sure Talyn is not used the wrong way, but also because of the deal she had made, and her feelings for Talyn. Crichton and Aeryn don't say goodbye again, hoping that they will meet again soon. When Aeryn and Crais arrive, they are greeted by the hand of friendship, the greatest honour Talyn can bestow. It is handed to Crais, who is then given total control of the ship, with access to all senses through the neural transponder placed in the back of his neck. He and Talyn force Aeryn to leave, saying they need only one captain. Aeryn

    Miraculously, Crais and Talyn go into starburst, despite Scorpius's scientists claiming the baby couldn't for another few hours. Though seperated agian, this allows Moya to make her escape to starburst as well. Crichton reassures Pilot that the baby will call someday, and that they will meet again, but admits it could be some time.

    Finally, despite Crais resigning, and telling Scorpius that he had killed John Crichton, Scorpius is too clever for this, and vows to keep hunting Crichton for the knowledge the human possesses, knowing that this was only a small attempt at revenge by the renegade captain.

    Trivia Quiz:

    1) Exactly how many stomachs does the Hynerian Rygel have?

    2) Which episode was originally put down as the season 2 opener?
    Out Of Their Minds
    Dream A Little Dream
    Vitas Mortis

    3) How much time does Chiana ask Zhaan to listen to her for?
    10 microts
    20 microts
    30 microts

    4) Which actor plays Braca?
    David Franklin
    Paul Goddard
    David Kemper

    5) Aeryn calls Moya's baby after Talyn, but who was he named after?
    Aeryn's brother
    Aeryn's first boyfriend
    Aeryn's father


    References and continuity:

    Crichton: "You need a Hynerian heimlich?"

    Rygel gets a case of the Hynerian intons, which Aeryn explains are induced by a heavy doce of emotion, though Crichton believes him to be choking.

    • There are references made to Zhaan's trial, and the planet Litigara, all explained in the episode Dream A Little Dream.
    • It seems that although Crais left the command carrier in fear of Scorpius, that he may have been supplying information, but later decides to go it alone aboard Talyn.
    Funny or interesting quotes:

    D'Argo: "As John once said, I would rather go down on a swing"

    D'Argo tries out a few earth sayings, just as Aeryn does from time to time, and with similar results.

    D'Argo "Paper could not possibly wrap rock... this is unrealistic."

    D'Argo is too much of a realist to understand the old 1,2,3.

    Crichton: "She's gonna be pissed when she wakes up though"


    After D'Argo uses his tongue to knock Aeryn out, John points out that although it worked, she isn't going to be happy.

    D'Argo: "You look after her while I go and break Crais's neck."
    Crichton: "D'Argo, you couldn't break wind right now!"

    Ever the warrior, D'Argo prepares for battle despite his weakness after the time spent in vacuum.

    Crichton: "Fine, just ditch the firm, head off to Maui, shack up with the super model, but you do not get to keep the porshe...."

    Crichton is happy for Crais to leave the Peacekeepers, but does not want to let him take Talyn.

    Crais: "You'll hunt me down? That would complete the symmetry nicely... woudln't it."

    Crais doesn't miss the irony after all the time spent chasing Crichton.


    Richard Manning wrote this episode, and also wrote:

    Season 1Season 2
    Season 3Season 4


    The director of this episode was Andrew Prowse. He also directed many other Farscape episodes:

    Season 1Season 2
    Season 3Season 4

    New Aliens:
    New Captain
    Leviathan TechniquesNo new aliens, but we do see the "Hand of Friendship" given by Talyn, the leviathan hybrid, to Crais, the new captain. The device gives the user access to all the ships own senses, and a degree of control over the vessel.

    Farewell to:

    Crais (for a while) Departed as the new captain of Talyn.
    Talyn (for a while) Jumped to starburst, away from his pursuers.

    Guest Stars:
    • David Franklin as Braca

    Personal Opinion:

    With the crew seperated, and so close to Scorpius's grasp, it was hard to see how they could get out of this, but they did, and in style. The deal with Crais was a great idea, and really, there is no other person better suited to taking over Talyn, something that will definitely be seen in later episodes.

    D'Argo's experience appears to have transformed him into a more mature D'Argo, one with very different skin (actually unintentional when changing to new makeup, but it worked well), and also there is clearly more to learn about what happened to Chiana, Rygel and Zhaan during their time away. This is showing signs of a great season to follow.

    A great way to reply to an end of season cliffhanger.8/10

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