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    Quick Jump Season 1:
    1.01 - Premiere
    1.02 - Throne For A Loss
    1.03 - Back And ... To The Future
    1.04 - I, E.T.
    1.05 - Exodus From Genesis
    1.06 - Thank God It's Friday Again
    1.07 - PK Tech Girl
    1.08 - That Old Black Magic
    1.09 - DNA Mad Scientist
    1.10 - They've Got A Secret
    1.11 - Till The Blood Runs Clear
    1.12 - The Flax
    1.13 - Rhapsody In Blue
    1.14 - Jeremiah Crichton
    1.15 - Durka Returns
    1.16 - A Human Reaction
    1.17 - Through The Looking Glass
    1.18 - A Bug's Life
    1.19 - Nerve
    1.20 - The Hidden Memory
    1.21 - Bone To Be Wild
    1.22 - Family Ties

    Quick Jump Season 2:
    2.01 - Mind The Baby
    2.02 - Vitas Mortis
    2.03 - Taking The Stone
    2.04 - Crackers Don't Matter
    2.05 - The Way We Weren't
    2.06 - Picture If You Will
    2.07 - Home On The Remains
    2.08 - Dream A Little Dream
    2.09 - Out Of Their Minds
    2.10 - A Kiss Is But A Kiss
    2.11 - I Do, I Think
    2.12 - The Maltese Crichton
    2.13 - My Three Crichtons
    2.14 - Beware Of Dog
    2.15 - Won't Get Fooled Again
    2.16 - The Locket
    2.17 - The Ugly Truth
    2.18 - A Clockwork Nebari
    2.19 - A Not So Simple Plan
    2.20 - With Friends Like These...?
    2.21 - Plan B
    2.22 - Die Me Dichotomy

    Quick Jump Season 3:
    3.01 - Season Of Death
    3.02 - Suns and Lovers
    3.03 - Could'a Should'a Would'a
    3.04 - Wait For The Wheel
    3.05 - ...Different Destinations
    3.06 - Eat Me
    3.07 - Thanks For Sharing
    3.08 - Green Eyed Monster
    3.09 - Losing Time
    3.10 - Relativity
    3.11 - Incubator
    3.12 - Meltdown
    3.13 - Scratch 'n' Sniff
    3.14 - Daedalus Demands
    3.15 - Icarus Abides
    3.16 - Revenging Angel
    3.17 - The Choice
    3.18 - Fractures
    3.19 - I-Yensch, You-Yensch
    3.20 - Lambs To The Slaughter
    3.21 - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
    3.22 - Dog With Two Bones

    Quick Jump Season 4:
    4.01 - Crichton Kicks
    4.02 - Sacrifice
    4.03 - Resurrection
    4.04 - Lava's A Many ... Thing
    4.05 - Promises
    4.06 - Natural Election
    4.07 - John Quixote
    4.08 - I Shrink Therefore I Am
    4.09 - A Prefect Murder
    4.10 - Coup By Clam
    4.11 - Unrealized Reality
    4.12 - Kansas
    4.13 - Terra Firma
    4.14 - Twice Shy
    4.15 - Mental As Anything
    4.16 - Bringing Home The Beacon
    4.17 - A Constellation Of Doubt
    4.18 - Prayer
    4.19 - Fetal Attraction
    4.20 - Hot To Katratzi
    4.21 - La Bomba
    4.22 - Bad Timing

    Till The Blood Runs Clear

    Synopsis | Story | Continuity | Quotes | Trivia | Writer | Director | Aliens | Farewell | Guest | Personal

    Brief synopsis:
    Sniffing for wormholes
    Crichton takes Aeryn aboard Farscape One for a testflight through some solar flares. His search for wormholes is successful, but the ship is damaged, forcing the pair to visit a nearby planet for repairs.

    On the surface they encounter bounty hunters tracking the escaped prisoners, and a mysterious woman named Furlow who is especially interested in Crichton's wormhole data.

    The Main Story:
    John takes Aeryn on a test flight to try out new components from Moya, added to Farscape One. He enters a region of solar flares, where Aeryn learns that he intends to recreate the wormhole incident that brought him here. A wormhole does in fact form, and John is transfixed by it for several moments before snapping out of it, and applying reverse thrusters.

    However, the module is damaged in the escape, forcing Crichton and Aeryn to travel down to Dam-ba-da in search of a mechanic, Furlow.

    After John asks nicely (compared to Aeryn's verbal assault), Furlow agrees to take on the repair work, though on several occasions she offers to take Crichton's "worthless" ship off his hands. On the planet, they discver a Peacekeeper beacon offering a reward for their capture, and bounty hunters soon start arriving.

    The pair bump into two Vorcarians, Rorf and Rorg, blood trackers searching for D'Argo, Zhaan and Rygel. Thinking on his feet, John recognises the way the pair work, with the male clearly taking the lead, and he follows suit, claiming Aeryn is just one of "his females". He claims to be a bounty hunter also, and tries to strike a deal with the Vorcarians.

    Aeryn examines the beacon more closely, and discovers a secret message intended for her. Crais offers her "honourable retirement" in exchange for Crichton and the esacped prisoners. Meanwhile, as Zhaan experiences photogasms from the solar flares, D'Argo comes down to the planet in search of Crichton and Aeryn. He is captured however by the bounty hunters, who then try to torture him.

    Fortunately, Crichton is on hand to help, saving D'Argo's life by making the blood run clear (Luxan blood is toxic initially when it flows as a dark red). At the same time, Aeryn stops a thief from taking Crichton's flight recordings, but becomes blinded by the solar flares during the fight.

    With all the commotion, Zhaan decides to head down to the planet, but things are coming under control as D'Argo and Crichton agree to be allies and take on the Vorcarians.


    Whilst the new allies get into a firefight, Aeryn saves the day by negotiating with Furlow a deal in which she provides a cyber-manipulated version of the beacon stating that the reward had been taken away, as the Peacekeeper command carrier was returning home. The Vorcarians have no reason to stay, and "aren't even hungry" so they head off, leaving John to be disappointed by the fact that the solar flares have stopped.

    Back at Furlow's, John discovers that Aeryn's sight is recovering, but she asks that he settle the bill. He really has no way to pay as far as he knows, but Furlow has a painful suggestion. She insists that he gives her exclusive rights to the recordings he made during his earlier testflight, sending Crichton back to square one, whilst Furlow takes a leap forwards.

    Crichton and his crewmates leave, with a fully repaired module, but Crichton's hopes of finding a way home have taken a temporary dent.

    References and continuity:

    Crichton: "I'm Butch, this is Sundance."

    Crichton refers to Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, famous western criminals whose partnership lasted many years.

    Crichton: "Who chopped off Pilot's arm?"

    Crichton reminds his crewmates that although he is keen to find a way home, he is hardly pushing the boundaries when compared with the actions D'Argo, Zhaan and Rygel took in the episode DNA Mad Scientist

    Funny or interesting quotes:

    Crichton: "I'll split the bounty, 70:30."
    Rorf: "70:40."
    Crichton: "80:40."

    Vorf is clearly a skilled negotiator, and Crichton is willing to play along seeing as he has no intention of collecting any bounty anyway.

    Aeryn: "I always take him seriously."

    Clearly Aeryn had a lot of respect, and possibly a little admiration for Captain Crais whilst she was still a Peacekeeper. She knows he is a powerful man, and knows what a serious threat he poses towards them now they are on the run.

    Furlow: "Well if you go out that way, there's a truly outstanding expanse of sand."

    Furlow sarcastically tells Aeryn of the wonderful sights to be seen on Dam-ba-da.

    Rygel: "Help! Help! A mad Delvian exhibitionist is forcing herself on me... visually!."

    Clearly Hynerians are not attracted to Delvians in anyway, and Rygel wishes to avoid any eye contact with Zhaan as she enjoys the radiation from the solar flares.

    Furlow: "Sixty percent chance of survival, seventy, eighty even."

    Furlow repeatedly tells Aeryn and John what she thinks the chances are that Aeryn's sight will return.

    Episode Trivia:

    The exclusive data that Furlow sets as a price is a steep one, but John won't realise just how steep until Season 3's Daedalus Demands.

    The solar flares occur around Dam-ba-da every 4.8 cycles.


    This episode was written by Doug Heyes, who also wrote:

    Season 1


    The director of this episode was Tony Tilse who also directed:

    Season 1Season 2
    Season 3Season 4

    Episode Aliens:

    Though it isn't made clear what species Furlow is, Rorf and Rorg are Vorcarians, blood trackers, and deadly bounty hunters.

    Farewell to:

    • Rorf and Rorg for a while, misled by Furlow's altered beacon.
    • Zhaan's clothes for most of the episode.

    Guest Stars:
    • Magda Szubanski as Furlow.
    • Jeremy Sims as Rorf.
    • Jo Kerrigan as Rorg.
    • Tony Lynch as Grynk.
    Personal Opinion:

    Wormholes! This is one of the earliest hints as to what lies ahead. With Crichton investigating wormholes, his adventures get more and more crazy as time goes by. For now though, the episode is still enjoyable by itself, with an interesting new connection being formed between D'Argo and John as they agree to be allies.

    The solar flare idea was good I felt, and although it predictably had to play its part with the crew (Aeryn's temporary blindness) it was still an interesting feature. Also it was nice to see the episode resolved nicely, rather than just shooting their way out.

    The wormhole madness begins.7/10

    Thank you for visiting my Farscape page.
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