
The little girl greeted her grandma with a big hug and said "I'm so happy to see you Grandma, now maybe mommy will do the trick she has been promising."

The grandmother was curious. "What trick is that my dear," she asked.

The little girl replied, "I heard mommy tell daddy that she would climb the walls if you came to visit again."

The Thunderstorm

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a Mother was tucking her young daughter into bed. She was about to turn off the light when her daughter asked with a tremor in her voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

The Mother smiled and gave her daughter a reassuring hug and said, "I can't honey, I have to sleep in Daddy's room." 

A long silence was broken by her daughter's shaky little voice, "The big sissy."

Picture of God

The teacher of a bible class asked the students to draw a Christian Picture. As she watched them, she noticed that one little girl was working very hard on her picture....When she asked what she was drawing, the little girl said "GOD!!"  The teacher then stated that noone knows what GOD looked like.
With this the little girl said, "When I finish this picture they will!!!!!"

There's more coming, please check back soon!




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