Magaret McCowan

1860 - 1937

Margaret McCowan was the daughter of Alexander McCowan and Elizabeth McDonald, and is my great great grandmother.

Margaret was born on 11 December in Grafton NSW. There has been confusion with the registration. In the index at Grafton she is listed as Margaret but in the register she was noted as Elizabeth Mary Ann. After her birth her family moved to Ulmarra, NSW.

On 15 August 1883 she married Neil Campbell at her parents' home "Woodside". The newly weds then traveled to Neil's home in Mullumbimby, NSW. Niel had named his property "Inverarary" after Inverarary in Argyll, Scotland. With useage the name shortened to "Inverary".

Margaret and Neil Campbell

Margaret went to her parents' home at Palmers Channel to have her first child in May 1884 named Elizabeth Christina. Elizabeth Christina died in August 1885. The rest of Margaret's children were born at "Inverary".

In 1896 Margaret's parents moved onto "Inverary".

On 9 August 1913 Neil died, so Margaret moved into a new house on the property with her unmarried children.

Margaret was a pioneer of the Mullumbimby district. She worked hard helping with the farming and bringing up the children.

Margaret was brought up in the Free Presbyterian Church but was baptised into the Christdelphian faith on 21 May 1932.

Margaret Campbell nee McCowan

Margaret died on 11 August 1931. The funeral service was conducted on the veranda of her home on "Inverary" by a minister of the Free Presbyterian Church. She is buried in the cemetry at Mullumbimby.

Margaret had ten children with Neil;

Elizabeth Christina Campbell (1884 - 1885)

Donald Campbell (1885 - 1905)

James Cowan (Jim) Campbell (1887 - 1974)

Alexander Archibald (Sandy) Campbell (1889 - 1971)

Mary Isabella Campbell (1891 - 1993)

Duncan Donald (D.D.) Campbell (1894 - 1983)

Christina Janet Campbell (1896 - 1989)

Neil Campbell (1898 - 1899)

Elizabeth Campbell (1901 - 1994)

Sarah Campbell (1905 - present?)

Margaret's decendants at "Inverary" in 1998.

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Bourke, B. & Wilson, N. 1997, "The McCowan Family from Argyll, Scotland to Australia", Norma Wilson and Beverly Bourke, Australia.

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