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Understanding the bus stops and the destination sign

Bus Stops

There are over 6,000 bus stops in Milwaukee County, each one located with special consideration for your safety and convenience. Most bus stops are spaced about 2 blocks apart on most routes.

Bus StopThere are 2 types of stops that you may see. The first shows white numbers and letters on a blue background for local service, and a green background for express, Flyer or UBUS service. When you read the bus stop sign, be sure to check for any special messages that appear (e.g. "No Sunday Service", or "A.M. Stop Only"). If you ride a MetroLink express or shuttle, look for the distinctive orange stripe combined with the green or blue background.

Signs that are Downtown and at UWMThe second is found in the Downtown area and the UWM area where many routes may share a Extra Informationsingle bus stop. Because of space limitations, only big bold white route numbers will be displayed on this type of sign. However, color backgrounds will be used to distinguish local routes (blue) from Flyer and express routes (green). Although route names and special messages will not appear, supplemental signs may be posted below or near the bus stop in order to provide more complete information. Also remember that along Wisconsin Avenue Downtown most routes stop at every other bus stop sign, always check the bus stop to make sure the route you want stops there.

Destination Signs:

Destination SignsAll buses have signs above their windshield that displays the route number and the final destination of the bus. There are two types of signs. One is printed with white letters on either a black, green or red background. The other type of sign is electronic where yellow letters appear on a black background. Similar signs are displayed on the side of the bus next to the front door.
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