Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
Leadership Analysis: Blake - Mouton's Managerial Grid:
About the theory Reference
Analysis of Gandhi via this theory
Blake and Mouton�s managerial grid is one of the three major behavioral theories besides Ohio State University studies and University of Michigan Studies (p58, Yukl, Leadership in Organizations). It is generally believed in this theory that there are two types of concerns a leader will have, production or people. A style of management inventory (by Teleometrics Inernational Inc.) was developed based on Blake-Mouton�s managerial grid to assess one�s leadership style. According to this grid, there are 5 types of leaders:
"Your character must be above suspicion and you must be truthful and self controlled."
                - Mahatma Gandhi
9/1- Task Management
The primary concern for task management is output. People are just commodity just like machines. A manager�s job is to plan, direct and control the work.
1/9 � Country Club Management
The primary concern for this type of management is people the their relationship. This type of manager pays little attention to production needs.
1/1 � Impoverished Management
This type of management does not care either production or people. The major goal is to stay out of trouble by avoiding risk and maintain minimum requirement for both production and relationship.
9/9 � Team Management
This is best style according to Blake-Mouton�s Managerial Grid. This manager cares both production and the people and their relationship. Production is from the integration of task and human requirement.
5/5 � Middle of the Road � Politician Style
5/5 manager believes that production comes first but morale can�t be ignored. This manager pushes enough  to get work done, but gives enough to keep the morale.
Short Biography
Leadership Analysis
Blake-Mouton's Managerial Grid
Situational Leadership Theory
Servant Leadership Theory
Charismatic Leadership Theory
Principle Centered Leadership
For more details about this theory, see reference.
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About This Website:
This website is created by Sue Franz as a class assignment for MG648, "Leadership"  of Master of Management Program at Aquinas College.   
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