Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
There are many published biographies and autobiographies about Gandhi that describe him in great details. I also found that the Internet is a great resource to find more complete information about his life. In this short time of our class, I don�t attempt to compete with those excellent resources. I urge those who want to learn more about Gandhi to use the references listed in this presentation.

Young Gandhi
Born on the 2nd day of October in 1869, in Porbunder, India to Hindu parents Karamchand and Putlibai Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was the last of the four children. He was described as a �mediocre student�. As a young child, he was quiet and obedient. At the age of 13, he got married through arranged marriage with Kasturba, who was aslo 13.  Kasturba became his true support and a life long partner.

After graduation, Gandhi was sent to London to study law. There in London, he became involved in vegetarianism. He also learnt how to cook and studied music. He found time to read a lot books including the Koran, the Old and New Testament, and Indian religious books. He found the New Testament very interesting, the Sermon on the Mount �went straight to my heart.� The words of Christ delighted the �Mahatma� to be.

Immediately after passing the bar examine in England, Gandhi returned to India in 1891. Although he has left his childhood�s mediocre behind by then, he still was too shy to land on successful career. Two years later, in 1893, he was hired by an Indian firm and sent to Africa for a law case. He did not think he would be successful there but decided to �try my luck in South Africa�.
"The real property that a parent can transmit to all equally is his or her character and educational facilities."
                - Mahatma Gandhi
Short Biography
Leadership Analysis
Young Gandhi In South Africa Father of India Timeline and Major Events
Reference Links
About This Website:
This website is created by Sue Franz as a class assignment for MG648, "Leadership"  of Master of Management Program at Aquinas College.   
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