Scientology, religion founded in 1954 in the United States by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer. Scientology is based on Dianetics, a form of psychotherapy invented by Hubbard and first explained in his book Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health (1950), still a bestseller. The aim of Scientologists is to erase "engrams": subconscious memories of painful experiences, the presence of which leads to irrational behaviour. Officials known as "auditors" help members to confront consciously their engrams, allowing their minds to be cleared, and thus improving their mental health. Scientology incorporates creeds from a number of world religions, including a belief in souls, here called "Thetans", and reincarnation. Scientologists are against certain methods used in psychotherapy by the medical profession, such as electroconvulsive therapy. Members are expected to pay large amounts of money to attend seminars, and this is one of the most criticized aspects of the organization, along with accusations of brainwashing of members, and the fact that the scientific basis for Hubbard's theories has not been proved. It has been suggested that Hubbard developed his theories into a religion in order to benefit from the tax relief awarded to churches, although this status has not been achieved in many countries.

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