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Amateur Scientists And Common Teasers

By Arjun Prasad

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Did You Know?
DThe fly's foot is a suction cup that is slightly hollow and moist. Pushed against a flat surface. The foot squeezes out air. Moisture seals the foot edge, while the vaccum holds the foot tightly to the cieling.
Q . What keeps a satellite in Orbit?
Ans . Its great speed. Satellite in low orbits travel at an incredible 17,500 miles or 27,350 Kilometers an hour ! But at the same time while they are moving forward , gravity is pulling them down . The combined motion - forward and downward - keeps the satellite in orbit . It remains at a safe altitude above EARTH - and does not even need engines to stay up

Q . How is it that our weight decreases on moon ?
Ans . Our weight is due to the force exerted by EARTH on us - the force of gravity . The MOON has one-sixth the gravity of the earth and so our weight on moon is one sixth our weight on the earth. So if you are 42 Kg on EARTH , you will weigh just 7 Kg on the MOON.

Q . When any meteor or object enters the atmosphere, it burns whereas a man made space shuttle or rocket does not burn . Why ?
Ans . When any meteor enters the earth's atmosphere, its friction or rubbing with the air makes it heat up to such an extent that it burns and we see a shooting star. On the contrary a man made rocket or space shuttle is protected by a thick heat shield which can withstand very high temperatures and thus they do not burn. This shield is made of heat resistant tiles. If there were no shield, the rocket or the space shuttle would burn up, just like a meteor .


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