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Amateur Scientists And Common Teasers

By Arjun Prasad

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The fly's foot is a suction cup that is slightly hollow and moist. Pushed against a flat surface. The foot squeezes out air. Moisture seals the foot edge, while the vaccum holds the foot tightly to the cieling.

Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Ans . Our bodies are made up of billions of tiny things called cell . These cells absorb water when they are wet . The skin on our hands and feet is thicker than on other parts . Therefore it has more cells and soak more water . When our fingers remain in water for long time , the skin becomes spongy and expands but the fingernail stops the skin from expanding in that direction as a result, the skin folds and forms wrinkles at the fingertip .

Q . When a Bullet is fired at a glass pane , a hole is formed but when a stone is thrown , the whole glass breaks . why is that so?
Ans . When a bullet hits a glass pane with very high speed a hole is formed before enough time is spent to have that force transferred to other parts of the glass . But , when a stone is thrown , because of the slow impact , the force get transmitted to other parts and the glass cracks . In the latter case ,the impact energy is absorbed in the glass causing vibration resulting in its breaking.

Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Ans . Some animals can feel the vibrations before an Earthquake . Some can hear the sound waves but Humans cannot hear these sounds . Animals like dog , snakes etc. have these abilities. These ability can also be found in Fishes like Goldfish .

Great first they used me for protection,then for my tricks and now they want me to predict Earthquakes ! My life

Q . A stone feels cold to the bare feet , but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. why?
Ans . A carpet is a poor conductor of heat whereas the floor on which it is placed is a much better conductor . The bare floor conducts heat from your feet and hence the floor feels cold to your feet .

Q . Why is Brass used in statues ?
Ans . Brass, which is an Alloy of copper and zinc, is used in statues because it is a metal that can be hammered, chased (or punched) and moulded into shape without the danger of it breaking up. It is also used for its hardness and long lasting quality

Q . A bulb becomes hot while giving light , Whereas a tube light doesn't become so . Why ?
Ans . Different materials glow at different temperatures . An electric bulb uses Tungsten filament which glow at high temperature to give light and hence becomes hot . A tube light uses mercury vapour which glows at slightly above room temperature and remains cooler . Incidentally , as less energy is wasted as heat , a tube light consumes less electric power than a bulb.

Q . Why do we feel sleepy after heavy meal ?
Ans . When we eat a heavy meal , the blood supply to the stomach and intestines is increased to enable digestion. This sometimes reduces the blood supply to the brain and we feel sleepy .

Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Ans . All our senses are controlled by our nerves , which carry messages to the brain . Therefore , wherever there are nerves in our body we can feel the pain in case that part gets cut or hurt. The nerves makes us aware of the pain by sending messages to our brain . However, our hair does not contain nerves and thus there is no sense of pain when they are cut .

Q . What is hard water ?
Ans . Hard water is that water which contains salts of calcium and magnesium. Due to the presence of these salts, some soap reacts with them and goes waste. Soap does not Lather easily in hard water .

Q . Why are there waves on sea ?
Ans . Waves are the most wholly the result of winds blowing across the surface of the water . The wind drags the water to form waves which slowly moves forward and get larger . Although the wave shape moves forward, each particle of water moves round in circles and does not change its average position .

Q . Why does hair turn grey ?
Ans . The colour of our hair depends on the amount of pigment in it . Dark hair contains more of it than fair hair .This colouring matter is produced in our bodies and is controlled by our nervous system . If anything goes wrong with this control through illness but more often by wearing out in old age, then the hair turns grey or white .

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