We were greatly blessed with lion sightings in our March 2007 trip to Kruger National Park.  We had three lion sightings during our two-day visit to the park.  We saw this lioness early on the first morning.  As it turned out there was a pride of lions about 100 yards away, but we would never have seen them if it hadn't been for this lonely lioness which we first saw under a tree not too far from the road.
This pride of 9 lions (you only will see 8 in this picture) was spotted around 11 a.m. on day 2.  We were entertained by this pride for almost an hour.  They were guarding the waterhole and keeping other animals from coming in--see below.
While we were watching the 8, this lioness went into the bush and appeared to be attempting to flush something towards the other 8.  The picture above is where the 8 were awaiting dinner--which never came.
Classic Lion shots
L is for lunch?  While we were watching the lion pride this family of warthogs decided to come up to try to get water.  First they tried one side of the lions then the other.  Finally, the leader of the warthogs made it all the way to the waters edge just to the left of this picture.  When he did they lions charged.  They were apparently not too hungry for after around a 50 yard chase they gave up and returned to their tree.  It was quite exciting--especially for the warthogs!
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