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Sunday, June 4, 2006

Uploaded the collision detection design document below.


And a screenshots.


Hansel added the scoring system, that is now able to keep track of how many coins and gem been collected during the game and when the character touchs the monster without gem it will deduct its health and when character have gem, it can kill the monster by setting its visiablity to false and reduce the number of gem count.

And also come up with a rough idea with a new collision detaction system as the current system was quite buggy, that is to have 4 points around the character to check which side oh him has collided with the wall or other game objects.

Nigel Unable to solve the jerking of the camera when the speed of the character is constant. Ignored for now, begin work on camera's collision detection with the walls so that the camera doesn't pass through them.

Solved the bug where the camera starts at an unknown position.

Integrated customisable controls with gameworld v5. Version now v5-1. At the start of the game, the camera starts at some unknown position, and the spring function draws it back to the character. Nice effect but I foresee a problem in the future as this is a bug, not intended to be this way.

Ren Hao This week renhao continue to improve on the customise setting. He had completed the customization of mouse sensitivity and added the cancel and default buttons. He also put in textures for the buttons and background, which is done by melissa. Next he will improve the GUI of the customise setting to make it more user friendly and work on the minimap for the game.

Melissa Computer repaired! Finished "win scene" and "lose scene" 's design, while waiting for VS to install Finished loading tga files and displaying it properly. The error occured because the textures were not drawn correctly, items with alpha channel must be drawn after the rest. Decided to add a "Continue" button first, so that it will link to the "win scene/lose scene" picture.

Started coding scoreboard after finishing its graphics. Rushed through the first part, and had a bug, where the alpha channel wasn't read properly. Left problem as it was, because my computer was under repair... ="= Designed "Win scene" and "lose scene", and the various customise button.




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