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July 2006
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Friday, April 28, 2006

Hansel draft out on a paper on how the gameworld map loader will be created and gather codes from other works that will be useful for the development. Seen Nigel's menu prototype but images are not well crop, and without input function. various problems are feedback to person-in-charge.

Nigel resaved Melissa's Jpeg textures to bitmap formats as the texture loader used is for bitmap pictures. The menu now draws correctly, displaying provided textures. Unfortunately choppyness is observed, with a very low framerate and slowing down the machine. Completely debugged the menu prototype, inputs are not working however.

Ren Hao found various sound clips for menu background.

Melissa finished main menu graphic, including buttons. Wall texture completed. The texture of the hero is also done. All are saved using JPEG.




Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Begin development efforts on the main menu of the game, researching and self-discovery of the texture loaders, animation and input functions to be used in the menu. This also includes the design of the coding structure needed in the menu system as well as the programming practices like use of loops and variables to reduce the number of hard-coded numbers.

Team meeting, summarised the classes needed to be done. On final implementation, the buttons in the menu should point to the elements of the game, the flow of the menu is shown below :

Start Game -> new GameWorld();
Load Game -> new GameWorld(input);
Instructions -> new Instructions();
Customise settings -> new Settings();
Quit -> exit();

Where the instantiated classes will handle the respective jobs of the game elements.

Hansel looking into the gameworld design that uses a 2D array and reading map information in a notepad to create dynamic gameworld design that will be very easy to use different map on different game level. the design include of reading text file, determine what type of wall, and the location of the wall.

Nigel have decided to follow the example of glut-sample provided by Ms Dioselin on the first week of the semester. Variable use and naming conventions, process of changing to orthographic view to draw 2D elements and process of calculating the position of the vertics of the buttons is excatly what I had in mind. Splitting the menu into two classes (gameworld and button) as well as implementing texture loader (texture.cpp)

Ren Hao was assigned to look in to sound implementation and also sound sources for the game effect as well as background music.

Melissa designed the menu of the game. Came up with 3 ideas for main character.
Trying to see if odd-shaped 3D models are loadable without compensating



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