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Greetings from Donald Duck

With a Temper Always on the Rise

Donald Duck

Donald Duck

Who is Donald Duck?

Donald is the character in the little blue suit that is more often in a rage than not. His personality shows through actions. He gives new meaning to the phrase: "Actions speak louder than words." His lines are few and almost indecipherable, forcing his actions to speak the volume of his parts. His personality makes his character almost unpredictable and yet so predictable. One can almost guarantee a rise in temper, but why? We'll just have to wait and see.

Donald Duck is a very popular duck. Surprisingly he is more popular amoung adults than children. Perhaps this is because, they see a caricature of the characters of their own beloved offspring. Then again maybe he touches a chord in that part of the grown-up that will remain forever a child. Maybe he's popular amoung adults for both reasons. "We would all like, now and again, to behave like Donald, if only we thought we could get away with it!"

More about Donald Duck

"Whenever the corners of Donald Duck's eyebrows begin to meet and his webbed foot begins to stamp, most audiences squirm in pleasant anticipation of Donald's forthcoming anger. Never in motion pictures has there been such a funny fury as Donald's." ---Richard Tobin, 1935

"Make the duck kinda cocky. And since he's a duck and likes water, how about giving him a little middy blouse and a sailor hat?" ---Walt Disney to Spencer

"Although he takes many a blow on the chin, he always dusts off his feathers and rises to take it on the chin again"

Donald Duck is the perfect epitome of so many human characteristics: pest or not, he is just right. As Helen G. Thompson put it in her 1935 Stage article, "I wouldn't change him - not one little cross-eyed quack." She added a piece of fine poetry: I'm stuck On Donald Duck

Vivat Donaldus!

Donald Duck

A Word from Mr Walt Disney

From Extra to Star

Donald Duck came into being in 1934 to fit a voice which had interested me a couple of years before. He first appeared in a bit in our The Wise Little Hen, and proceeded to steal the picture. He squawked and strutted his way into the production until he was practically the star of the film. He was a character we simply couldn't keep down. And the public took him to heart completely after his second appearance in Orphan's Benefit. His towering rages, his impotence in the face of obstacles, his protest in the face of injustice, as he sees it, even though he brings disaster upon himself - have kept him an audience favorite from that day to this.

Donald Duck

How did Nash become Donald Duck?

Nash worked as an impressionist on a Radio show called The Merrymakers and drove a miniature team of horses around town giving goodies to kids while he was "Whistling Clarence, the Adohr Bird Man" In 1932, Walt Disney accidentally heard a reprise of The Merrymakers and said "That man sounds like a duck" Later Nash was in an audition and Walt Disney heard his impression of a duck, and said "There's our talking duck!" Walt Disney and Nash worked together to build Donald's voice adding things like laughter. Clarence "Ducky" Nash provided the voice of Donald Duck until 1985, when he died of leukemia.

Donald Duck

Donald Duck

Date of first appearance: June 9, 1934
First screen appearance: The Wise Little Hen
Voices played by: Clarence "Ducky" Nash
Family Information
Grandpa Duck, Dumbella the sister, Huey, Dewey, & Louie the nephews , Ludwig Von Drake the uncle
Joey, a kangaroo

Full Name: Donald Fauntleroy Duck
Other Interesting Facts:
  • Nash performed all versions of Donald (English & foreign).
  • Donald Duck is the most prolific of all Disney's characters.
  • Donald was meant to be a secondary character, but stole the show.
  • Duck's footprints can be found in cement in front of Mann's Chinese Theater.

  • Donald Duck Write Tammy the webmaster of Tammy's Little Place of Disney

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