Library of Animation Goofy
Greetings from Mickey Mouse

Not Just A Rodent

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Who is Mickey Mouse?

He's all heart. "expressing what we all like to think are the best traits of our humanity: sweet sentiment, unfeigned pleasure, saucy impudence." He has an "active, positive character" that can cheer a world of people up in even the worst of times. He's "respectable, gentle, responsible" and "moral". He would never set a "bad example by so much as flying off the handle in a situation where anybody but a saint would've blown his top." He is celebrating his 71th year in film this year of 1999 and has "earned a permanent place in history."

More about Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse is an image that is hard to resist, even those that have never seen him in action find a certain attraction to him. In the 1950s, an man named Dr. Tom Dooley tried unsuccessfully, at first, to provide free medical care off the coast of south-east Asia. He was running a Red Cross hospital boat offering free care to the local people. Because of the very small response to his offering, he asked for permission from the Disney Company to put a picture of Mickey Mouse on his ship. After gaining permission and putting a big picture of Mickey Mouse on the side of his ship, all the kids started coming down to the ship for check-ups, and yet none of these kids had ever heard of Mickey Mouse.

Mickey Mouse Speaks

In a 1978 interview about his role in the film Fantasia, Mickey Mouse commented, "There was no such thing as a stunt mouse in those days. I had to do it all myself - without wires"
Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

A Word from Mr Walt Disney

Walt said around 1933

Mickey Mouse speaks to that deathless, precious, ageless, absolutely primitive remnant of something in every world-racked human being.

He also said to New York Times about Mickey Mouse's popularity: best any of us have been able to come up with is the fact that Mickey is so simple and uncomplicated, so easy to understand, that you can't help liking him.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Date of first appearance: November 18, 1928
First screen appearance: Steamboat Willie
Voices played by: Walt Disney (1928-1946), Jimmy "Mac" MacDonald (1946-1977), Wayne Allwine (1977-Present)
Full Features: Fantasia(1940), Fun & Fancy Free(1947)
Family Information
Minnie Mouse

Other Interesting Facts:
  • Mickey Mouse was almost called Mortimer Mouse.
  • As a child King George IV was able to persuade his mother, Queen Mary, to wallpaper a royal room with Mickey Mouse.
  • Mickey Mouse was once called a 4-letter word (not recorded) by a Disney employee in Walt Disney's presence. He was fired on the spot.
  • In 1970, Mickey Mouse starred in a non-Disney south-east-Asian short called Mickey Mouse in Vietnam

  • Mickey Mouse Write Tammy the webmaster of Tammy's Little Place of Disney
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