SCURK Skyline Images
by-Bill Mocarsky
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SCURK in Hartford Download Windows tileset(mif) 14k ---------- gif archive 15k
The Phoenix building
The Phoenix building, better known as the "Boat building" is famous for being the worlds first elliptical building. 15 stories and to my estimation, just over 200 feet tall. A version of this tile was my entry in the First SCURK Composition on Justin Smith's SCURK page
100 Constitution Plaza
100 Constitution Plaza. 18 stories and about 230 feet tall.
Founders Plaza
Founders Plaza, over in East Hartford is 19 stories and 244 feet.
777 Main Street
777 Main Street, originally the Hartford National Bank Building. 26 stories / 360 feet.
Goodwin Square
Goodwin Square, The red brick building was gutted and converted to a hotel. Only the facade remains of the original. The office tower is 30 stories and the tip reaches 522 feet. This tile is my entry in the Second SCURK Composition on Chris Navinovich's SCURK Page
For new original music, visit the Hartford based People of Goodwill web site.
copyright © Bill Mocarsky 2001
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