SCURK Skyline Images
by-Bill Mocarsky
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SCURK in Montreal Download Windows tileset(mif) 46k ----------gif archive 59k
1000 De La Gauchetiere
1000 De La Gauchetiere.Built in early 90's. 669 feet. Visit Virtual 1000 for more information on this building and 360 degree views of Montreal from the roof.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Early 60's, 45 stories / 620 feet.
Place Victoria Stock Exchange Tower
Place Victoria Stock Exchange Tower.Built in mid 60's, this "earthquake proof" structure was the tallest reinforced concrete building when built. 47 stories / 624 feet.
Place Ville Marie
Place Ville Marie. Built in early 60's. The overall complex is part of the first generation of Montreal's underground city. 40,000 Sq. Ft. floors. 45 stories / 616 feet. Topped with a 4-way rotating spotlight.
Hydro Quebec Building
Hydro Quebec Building 27 stories, 360 feet.
Chateau Champlain
Le Chateau Champlain This 640 room hotel is nicknamed the "Cheeze Grater" for it's unique shaped windows. 38 stories / 480 feet.
Maison Des Cooperants
Maison Des Cooperants, sometimes called the "Batman"building. Built in late 80's 34 stories / 479 feet.
CIL House
CIL House Built in the early 60's 33 stories / 455 feet.
The Royal Bank Bldg
The Royal Bank Bldg. Built in the 1920's? 22 stories / 390 feet
Apt. Tower
Apt. Tower 35 stories / 350 ft?
Cartier Apts
Cartier Apts. 30 stories 320 feet?
Place Du Canada BLDG
Place Du Canada BLDG. Built in the 60,s 27 stories / 370 ft.
International Aviation BLDG
International Aviation BLDG. Built in mid 70's 27 stories / 380 ft.
Industrial Life Tower
Industrial Life Tower Built in the 80's 22 stories / about 275 ft.
A SCURK of the Olympic Stadium can be found at David Garcia's SCURK Sport Stadiums & Arena page
Some BATS of Montreal buildings can be found at SimCity World Landmark Exchange
copyright © Bill Mocarsky 2001
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