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Silly Links

Monty Python Sound

Monsterous Monty Python Sounds - Wonderful collection of sound files in .wav format, as well as links, scripts and more. Nicely done except for the continuous taunting in an outrageous French accent.

Chris' Monty Python Page - Complete Holy Grail sounds! All in au format. Careful though, I think he has a large albatross guarding the door. It's got HUGE teeth!

Monty Python Sound Files - Do you feel like a little giggle when I say the name Biggus ... Dickus... Oh good. So glad to know that I'm not the only one.

Monty Python's Completely Useless Web Site - Great collection of MP3 sounds and wavs. Some hard to find sounds. Watch it though, he'll try to pawn off all his old shrubberies on you and they're much too big.

Sup's Monty Python Bits - Holy Grail sounds, Life of Brian sounds, and even song texts. However, he has been accused of heresy on three counts. - Extensive collection of sound bits, scrips, pictures and more. Bit simple...More apparatus please, nurse.

JoolSC's Monty Python - Great Collection of looney Wavs. The most wonderful thing about this page? It teaches you how to go to bed with up to any ludicrous number of girls you care to think of providing you realize this statement is quite meaningless as the phrase "up to" clearly includes the number "nought".

The Wav Surfer - You have to navigate a bit to find them, but great collection of waves, rare real audio files and a great big wooden badger!

The Movie Sounds - Small but good collection of sound wavs. Word of advice, when viewing this page, if you suddenly get the overwhelming feeling you are being watched by a giant hedgehog, don't worry about it. It's perfectly normal.

Script Links

Monty Python's Flying Circus - Complete selection of scripts from every episode (or links to them) Unfortunately you have to wade through alot of adenoidal typists from Birmingham and one bandy-legged waiter named Manuel.

Monty Python's Flying Circus - Another one? Yup, this one's got a nice collection of skits and words to "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" as well as the "Lumberjack Song". A word of caution, don't pay more than a fiver for the chest of drawers. It doesn't " Go" at all.

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - Great collection of scripts, all pilferred and a really silly walk, if you don't like having your head nailed to the floor, the author will be happy to screw your pelvis to a cakestand.

Monty Python Sketches - Great collection of Skits, quite alot of sarcasm and a smidgin of Violence. Absolutely no profanity, nope none. Don't believe me? Go look then! I'll just wait here then, shall I?

Humorlinks Monty Python Sketches - The dead Parrot sketch! My favorite! This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-parrot.

Monty Python - Great collection of scripts. Oh yes, and a quite nice documentary on mollusks.

IT'S...Monty Python's Flying Circus! - Nice collection of quotes and trivia. By avoiding wood and timber derivitives, they have almost totally removed the risk of...(SATIRE)...quite frankly, I think the central pillar system may need strengthening a bit.

Pure Silliness - Blessed are the cheesemakers for they shall inherit the official Python website and all it's innards.Sticks to the skin, absolutely waterproof and guaranteed to amuse at parties. - No, no, stop that! It's TOO silly! Enter this page at your own risk. It contains a plethora of silliness, some SARCASM and quite alot of metaphor. Oh, and also a newsgroup which has nothing at all to do with Llamas.

Another Monty Python Website - Talk show Transcripts, Little known Python, and of course.....The Oral Sects!

Edge's Monty Python - Self described "Most Annoying Page on the Web ". Great Fun, but you need a court order to get out.

The Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty Python Page - Books, News, Multimedia and a REALLY hard quiz. Fortunately, there is not one single person with a tape recorder up their nose. (Whew)

Sup's Monty Python Bits - Quite alot of silliness on this page and one or two very rare Python Bits. But remember: There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded mosquito.

International Monty Python Resource Page - Nice collection of links. He would have added a few bits of comedy of his own, but unfortunately, he has a degree.

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