Missouri Trail Rider Association

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Current Contest

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Current Contest

                  Photo Scavanger Hunt

Rules: Cost to join this contest is 3.00 per person for members    and 5.00 per person for non-members. 
     This contest will last through November 1, 2005.  If you join the contest, you will have from the date of joining until 1/1/2005 to collect a photograph of each of the items on the list.  You may photograph any item along any trail or road that you are riding on. Some of the items will be hard to find or hard to photograph.  That is the object of this contest, to make some objects hard to get so that not everybody wins first prize.  Some of the objects may also take some research on your part so that you know what to look for.  You are welcome to collect all of the photos all season and then send them to me all at once at the end, or you can send them to me as you get them.  I will accept photos through snail mail or e-mail, whichever is easiest for you.
     The last day I will accept photos is November 1, 2005.  The winner will be announced at the end of the year awards/ Christmas party.  In the event that more than one person gets all the items or there is a tie in any way, all participants in the tie will be put together and the winner will be drawn at the party.  The prize will be announced just as soon as I line up a sponsor. 
     If you have any questions or for instructions on how to join the contest and pay your entry fee, please
E-mail us.  Copy and paste the below list into your word processor and print out for easy reference.  Good Luck and Happy Hunting!

Scavenger Hunt List

_____  1. Tree hit by lightening.
_____  2. Tree growing in a 90 degree bent angle.
_____  3. Tree caught in a tornado (tree or bark twisted)
_____  4. Signs of an old homestead along the trail.
_____  5. Mark Twain National Forest Trail Marker
_____  6. Ozark Trail or Corps of Engineer Trail Marker
_____  7. Conservation Area Trail Marker
_____  8. State Park Trail Marker
_____  9. Butterfly Milkweed Plant
_____ 10. Yucca Plant
_____ 11. Irises
_____ 12. Mushroom
_____ 13. Snake
_____ 14. Deer
_____ 15. Butterfly
_____ 16. Spider (on the ground or in web across trail)
_____ 17. Hawk or Vulture
_____ 18. Creek Crossing
_____ 19. Waterfall (small trickle okay)
_____ 20. Rock Bluff
_____ 21. Boulder
_____ 22. Hiker
_____ 23. Mountain Bike Rider
_____ 24. Child
_____ 25. Dog

Contest Deadline: 11/01/2005
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws