Missouri Trail Riders Association
                        What We Do

We organize trail ride and camping events around the state that include Charity Rides, Clean-Up & Maintainence Rides, Poker Rides, Pot Luck Dinner Rides, Scavenger and Treasure Hunt Rides, and Seasonal & Holiday rides.  In addition to our organized rides, we will provide trail riding contests, a network of trail riders who know specific trails really well and are happy to play "free trail guide" for a day when possible, an online newsletter, and a year-end awards/ Christmas Party.  Since membership to the association is free, most rides, events and contests will have a nominal fee to cover the cost of having it and prizes when applicable.  That way, you only pay for the rides, events and contests that you choose to take part in.

Who We Are

What We Do

In The Future

Membership Form



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