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By:  Paula Rae Campbell
Kansas Flag
Kansas is known for growing wheat.  With this in mind I have included many bread recipes with my recipe pages.
I've made available this sourdough page to share my starter with others.
*If you like homemade bread you'll love homemade
sourdough bread. 

*Several years ago my father-in-law gave me a     
sourdough starter.
*Today my family enjoys the aroma swirling
through the house.  I make everything from
pancakes to bagels to french bread to pizza crust
and more from this 100+ years old starter.

*If you have ever tried San Francisco's sourdough
you know how great a real sourdough is.

*This one was named after the destination of a wagon train to Alaska ~ Deshka River Sourdough Starter.
It is over 100 years old.
fresh out of the oven sourdough bread
History of the Deshka River Sourdough Starter that I have found out so far is: 
It was use during the Alaska Gold Rush of 1895.
It was carried in small crocks on the wagon trail to Alaska to a gold mining camp by the Deshka River.  Where it originated before that I'm not sure, but I'm doing research to find out for certain. I think it started on the east coast and maybe even sooner than that.  The Deshka River is located between Willow and Wasilla, Alaska about 40 miles northwest of Anchorage.
Get your own sourdough starter, instructions and recipe booklet.

Paula Rae Campbell
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This is a view from where the Deshka and Susitna Rivers meet near Willow, AK
Alaska's Flag
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sourdough nut bread
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