1-2     eggplants
1 lb.   ground beef
1/2 c. parmesan cheese
1/4 c. chopped parsley
1 t.     minced garlic
1 t.    oregano
3        eggs
          freshly ground pepper
1/2 c. olive oil
2 c.    tomato sauce
1/2 c. grated mozzarella cheese
Wash eggplant but do not peel.  Remove the cap and stem end, and cut into thin slices no wider than 1/4 inch.  Salt and let drain for 30 min.  Meanwhile combine the ground beef with 1/4c. of the parmesan cheese, the parsley, garlic, oregano, and 1 beaten egg. Season with salt and pepper.  Pat the eggplant dry.  Beat the remaining eggs with 1T. water.  Dip the eggplant slices into the eggs, then into flour.  In a large skillet heat the oil.  Shake the excess flour off the eggplant and saute the slices until lightly browned on each side.  Drain on paper towels.  Pour  3/4c. of the tomato sauce into a 9 x 13 inch pan.  Take an eggplant slice and place a heaping teaspoon of the meat mixture into the center.  Using a fork, spread the meat mixture over the eggplant in a very thin layer.  Roll the eggplant over the meat like a jellyroll, and place in baking dish seam side down.  Continue with remaining slices.  Then drizzle over the remaining tomato sauce.  Combine the remaining parmesan with the mozzarella cheese and sprinkle over the sauce.  Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake in a pre-heated oven for 25 min. at 375.  Uncover and bake 10 min. longer.
1-2 eggplants
       cracker meal
1 1/2 c. bread crumbs
2           eggs
1/2 c.    grated kefalotiri
     or     parmesan cheese
1 T. baking powder
2 T. chopped parsley
1 t.   chopped onion
        salt and pepper
Wash the eggplant and pierce with a fork in several places.  Boil in lightly salted water until tender; drain well.  Remove skin and mash the pulp; measure.  Mix 2 cups of eggplant pulp with the mixture ingredients listed above and blend well.  Shape into croquettes or patties.  Roll in cracker meal, and fry until golden brown.
1 large eggplant
1/3 c. olive oil or less
2 cloves of crushed garlic
2 T. wine vinegar or the juice of 1 lemon
chopped parsley
salt and freshly ground pepper
Score eggplant and bake in microwave for 12 min.  Cool eggplant and split open.  Discard skin and seeds.  Scoop out all the flesh into a food processor.  Add oil, lemon or vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.  Process until creamy.  Scoop mixture in a bowl, garnish with parsley and sprinkle a teaspoon of olive oil.  Serve with toasted, seasoned pita pieces.
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