Fried Buttermilk Scones
2 pkgs.   dry yeast
1/4c.       warm water
1 quart   warm buttermilk
2             eggs
2T.         sugar
2T.         vegetable oil
1T.         baking powder
1 1/2t.    salt
1/2t.       baking soda
8c.          flour
1c.         butter
1 1/4c.   honey
         egg yolk
One day in advance soften yeast in warm water.  Let stand 5 minutes.  Mix warm buttermilk, eggs, sugar, oil, baking powder, salt, baking soda, 4c. flour and yeast mixture.  Beat until smooth.  Add remaining flour to make a soft dough.  Cover.  Let rise until doubled.  Punch down and refrigerate overnight.

Just before frying , roll out on a floured surface. 
Cut into 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inch rectangles and fry in hot fat(365) until golden brown on one side.  Flip over.  Brown other side. 
Drain on paper towel.
Make Honey Butter by combining butter, honey, and egg yolk.  Beat with mixer for 10 minutes.  Serve with scones.
Makes 4-5 dozen.
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