EMENKE's Homepage!


Personal info about me: I was born on the Summer Solstice in the dog year of 1970. I'm into BRAHMACHARYA, Paganism, Organic gardening, Vegan cuisine, SPIRIT, vermicomposting (a Master Composter), raving, Zen Shiatsu, Energy bodhi-work, bellydancing, candles, incense, making paper, modeling , drumming, Hinduism, Yoga, Chanting devotional bhajans, one of my gurus is Ammachi, and am into the Experiential Meditation Enlightened Nature Knowledge Escuela! Feel free to check out the other pages I've created, i.e. Emenke's Astrology Info, and the EMENKE, with more detailed info on who this mystical person is.

Edmund Lee is the photographer of this image. The photo was taken in 1996 on top of my parent's roof in California.

I first started working on my homepage on May 21 1997, and it occasionally is updated, along with my links; so VISIT this site often to view the progression of changes!! If there is anyone else in cyberspace land that would aid in improving my homepage, it would be greatly appreciated.

I thank Srini for helping me scan my first cool web-ready photoz!

This website is dedicated to PEACE RESEARCH: I'm collecting the various words used for "peace" in different languages, if anyone has any info on that subject, please write me the word, spelled out in the standard alphabet, since I can't deal with Egyptian Hieroglyphs or Arabic writing YET; But as of June 16th, 1997, the Chinese characters for "peace" were added, thanks to Don B! As for everyone else, the invitation stands for your contribution to this "peace" research project.

Ya see, I like to write the word "Om" first, then the different names for peace right after:

-Om Shantih Peace Shalom Salaam La Paz Paix Frieden Barish He Ping Pax Hei-an
-languages for the word peace above in order were: Sanskrit, English, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, French, German, Turkish, Chinese, Latin, Japanese
What else?-> Anyone know Latvian, Greek, Flemish, Aboriginee or other language not mentioned? Inquiring minds want to know!

Links to other sites on the Web or my e-mail address on this page are highlighted and underlined words:

Boe Oddisey's Art

The current number of hits on this site is .

This was last updated on February 20th, 1998.

We Sincerely thank you for your visit!

For our friends and perceived foes (we are all ONE), May you eternally experience LOVE & BLISS DIVINE.

Namaste / Vannakam

©1998 Contactemenke

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