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Digital audio files

Digital audio files are the dictation files used by most healthcare providers and medical transcriptionists today.  Every day, more healthcare providers update their equipment and their dictation procedures and move to digital files.  Every day, medical transcriptionists update their equipment and their transcription procedures to accommodate their clients.  

Why digital files?

Medical transcriptionists have long transcribed from tapes.  Tapes came in three sizes and formats: standard cassette tapes, mini cassette tapes, and microcassette tapes.  Each tape requires a transcriber (that's the machine, not the person!) that works with that size tape.  Many medical transcriptionists have to have and maintain 3 different machines for the purpose of getting a day's work done.  With digital files, no transcribers are needed.  Files are stored on the computer and can easily be shared by email, FTP, and other file sharing processes.  There is no equipment to maintain, jam, repair, make room for, or even dust!  The voice file can't tear, twist, wear thin, or get stuck on Scotch tape.

Digital files are much clearer in tone and sound quality.  Volume can be adjusted with considerable variability.  Speed can be adjusted.  There is less static and other extraneous sounds.  The background noise caused by the recording mechanism is just not there as it is with tapes.  Digital sound files are infinitely clearer than analog (tape).

Is a special foot pedal needed?

Like the analog transcribers, the movement of the sound file is best controlled by a foot pedal.  The digital voice files on your computer require a foot pedal that connects to your computer either by serial port or by USB port.  However, some digital WAV players also provide for keyboard controls so that the files can be used without a foot pedal.  If you do not already own a digital WAV player and foot pedal, try out the new technology before you buy.  An excellent digital WAV player specially designed for medical transcription is available as a free download from the Internet.  A link to that download is available on this website.  (See WAV player in the index on the left side of this page or simply click here.)

Get started now!

If you are new to medical transcription, prepare your work environment with the knowledge and experience of digital dictation and transcription.  If you are new to digital files, get that knowledge and experience here with Period Paragraph Volume I - Sampler, Period Paragraph Volume II - Housecalls, and/or Period Paragraph Volume III - Gateways.

For ordering information, send email to: [email protected]



Free SAMPLE DICTATION.  Download a sample dictation.  To listen to the dictation, click DOWNLOAD.  (It may take a few seconds to load, so please be patient.)  To download this sample dictation to your computer's hard drive, right click on DOWNLOAD and then SAVE TARGET AS.  This voicefile can then be played in ExpressScribe player with or without a footpedal




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