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Period Paragraph, Volume II – HOUSECALLS - contains more than 100 medical transcription dictation files.  These files were carefully selected from a library containing thousands of voice files.  The dictations focus on medical services to patients in their living environment – homes, ALFs (Assisted Living Facilities), and nursing homes.

Many medical services are available to those in need on an old-fashioned housecall basis.  In fact, more services are now available in the home than ever before!  Many doctors, nurses, and aides make housecalls.  Portable x-ray units are dispatched to residences.  Fitting of special devices, medical tests, and rehabilitation services are also provided in the home.

Hospice is a program that provides palliative care and attends to the physical and emotional needs of the terminally ill.  In many cases, these services are provided in the home.  Experience the compassion and the expertise that is imparted to these patients as well as to their families and caregivers.  Medical providers dictate their notes as they travel alongside their patients through the final stages of life.

II        DICTATION – 100+ voice files   

This section of Period Paragraph, Volume II – HOUSECALLS - contains hours of dictation in more than 100 voice files.  The voice files are numbered so that the user can easily keep track of which files were completed and which remain.  These files are arranged in two groups: Home Support services and Hospice.  The section on home support services includes notes from family practitioners, podiatrists, wound care specialists, nurses, x-ray technicians, and more.  Meet scores of patients who rely on the services of Hospice and follow a select group of Hospice patients through multiple home visits.

The dictations are not arranged by level of difficulty.  In fact, the files are not graded for their level of difficulty.  As all MT’s well know, the average day of medical transcription is usually a mix of clear and muddled voice files, some easy, some not, and all containing their own quirks and challenges.  The voice files range in size, length, style, volume, and complexity.  Some dictations are less than a minute in length; others are 5 minutes long, 8 minutes long, and even longer.  This CD is designed to highlight the efforts and experiences of those who dedicate themselves to tending to the needs of the homebound and/or terminally ill.  This CD is not designed as a teaching tool, however, but rather as a staging area for practice.  Practice, after all is the key to success in medical transcription.

The voice file dictations include:

                        32        HOME SUPPORT

                        38        HOSPICE

III        ANSWER KEY – Transcription of all voice files

This section is the transcription of the voice files contained in Section II above.  The transcribed documents are arranged to correspond with the voice files and are therefore arranged in the same format. 

Period Paragraph, Volume II – HOUSECALLS - has been carefully designed to provide ease of use.  Therefore, all text files are stored in two otherwise identical files: Adobe and MS Word.  Choose either Adobe Reader or Microsoft Word to open the text files.  All text files are available in both formats.  Adobe Reader is a universal approach to sharing computer text files, a free resource available to everyone.  By using Adobe Reader, everyone has access to these files without exception and without concern for individual word processing software access.  To download the Adobe Reader, click on the following hyperlink and follow instructions provided:

Attention is paid to following the AAMT Book of Style guidelines.  However, medical providers often have specific needs and requirements that vary from the AAMT Book of Style and differences may be reflected in these files.  It is imperative that the medical transcriptionist remember that to transcribe correctly is always to comply with the client’s wishes first.  Let the AAMT Book of Style be your guide but always abide by the client’s specific needs and requirements.

The Answer Key includes:  

                        A.        HOME SUPPORT  transcriptions

                        B.        HOSPICE transcriptions

IV      PROOFREADING                   

To succeed at medical transcription, the MT must be more than just a good typist.  The MT must develop a good ear for listening and hearing what is dictated as well as be an expert with the written word.  Spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, and style are all skills that must be perfected because clarity and accuracy are essential to the finished product.  It is imperative that the MT proofread all work.  Proofreading practice is provided on this CD.  The text for a physical examination is provided in Section IV of this CD that contains 22 errors.  See how many errors you can find!  Even the best spellchecker won’t find all of these errors.  There are 3 versions of this physical examination on this CD.  The first version contains all 22 errors.  The second version highlights each of the errors and gives the correction in the right margin.  Finally, the third version is a correct copy. 

V       WORD LISTS                         

The words and abbreviations included in the following lists all come from the dictations on Period Paragraph.  Whole books have been written listing just the medical words of a given specialty.  It is not the intention of Period Paragraph to presume to include all of the words used in medical transcription.  Rather these lists are tools to assist in transcribing the voice files and may also be used as learning devices.  The lists are alphabetized and searchable.

The following Word Lists are included:

            A.        ABBREVIATIONS                 Abbreviations found on this CD

            B.        DRUG LIST                            Medications cited on this CD

            C.        MASTER DRUG LIST          Compiled from Volume I & Volume II

D.        WORD LIST                           Words from dictations on this CD

E.        MASTER WORD LIST         Over 4,900 words from Volume I &
                                                                        Volume II

            F.         HOMONYMS                        A comprehensive list of homonyms



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