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TKs Musings - 2003

A collection of commentaries about whatever happens to come to mind when I write them. I make no promises of intelligence or clarity, I just promise that they're going to be there, and that by the time I'm done you're probably going to be as shell shocked and confused as I am most days ...

19 December 2003

The Project For A New American Century

8 December 2003

As If Microsoft Actually Needs Any More Money

4 December 2003

Sometimes It Takes Me A While But Eventually I Figure Things Out

Won't Work, Can't Work, And It's Being Proven

21 November 2003

The Society For The Prevention Of Chartered Accountancy

11 November 2003

Do Not Meddle In The Affairs of Dragons

10 November 2003

Thought Experiment on Imperialism and the Spread of Democracy

1 November 2003

Another Year, Another Halloween

16 October 2003

Surprises - Good, Bad, and Indifferent

9 October 2003

Alternate Storage & Moving Files

6 October 2003

What The Hell Are These People Thinking?

29 September 2003

The Ultimate General Purpose Insult

26 September 2003

I Don't Know Why It Works But It Works

18 September 2003

Setting Up AOL Broadband

Revelation - Gimli Wants To Be Tossed!

11 September 2003

My 9/11 Rant

10 September 2003

Did You Really Need To Know?

1 September 2003

Adventures with E-Mail

The Software of Finely Honed Working Habits

28 August 2003

Old Friends, Smart Cookies, and Self Help

14 August 2003

Don't Get Cocky

29 July 2003

More on Edible Missiles

18 July 2003

Edible Missiles Continued

15 July 2003

The Politics of Edible Missiles

5 July 2003

The Separation Between Church and State Ain't Necessarily So

Payday Loans and the Sorry State of Modern Education

The Human Race is Descended from Snarks!

11 June 2003

On Mad Cows And Conspiracy Theories

8 June 2003

The Aftermath of Turning 30

Some Thoughts On The Homeless Problem

25 May 2003

A Week Of Observations

5 May 2003

Another Wonderful Day In The News

4 May 2003

Bad American

Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Anti Depressants

1 May 2003

Lies, Damn Lies, and Software Upgrades

29 April 2003

Horrible Truths & The Complete And Utter Failure Of Sleep Aids

14 April 2003

Confessions Of A Depressive: The Complete And Utter Lack Of Self Esteem

12 April 2003

Cultural Testosterone Poisoning

8 April 2003

Morale Building

30 March 2003

Leveling Off: I Think I Can Live With This Anti Depressant Thing

29 March 2003

What Makes Life Worth Living?

28 March 2003

Adventures With Anti Depressants: I Love New Meds

27 March 2003

Confessions Of A Depressive: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

26 March 2003

And The News Just Gets Better And Better

25 March 2003

Fear, Paranoia, and The War In Iraq

24 March 2003

Windows XP and War As A Spectator Sport


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