
The Teacher


and Toddlers








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Cute Colors

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~Parent Handbook~

A non-refundable $50 deposit is due upon enrollment in the program. This deposit will hold your child's spot in the program for two weeks and will be applied to your first week of care. Holding a spot longer than two weeks and the fees required are at the provider's discretion. If you change your mind about your child attending MunchkinLand, the deposit will not be refunded.

Fees are based on the tuition schedule listed below. Your specific tuition will be outlined in your childcare contract. These rates are for contracted days/times and will not be prorated. Additional hours or days must be approved by the provider. Tuition is to be paid in full weekly on the first day your child is contracted to be in care for the current week. Payment may be made by cash or check, made payable to Lauri **** (NOT MunchkinLand). No care will be given without payment. You will receive a receipt each week and a W-10 at the end of the year. Rates include breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack (provided the child is in attendance during the times food is served).

Full-time (5 full days per week @ 5 or more hours per day)

  • Infants (birth to 18 months) - $135/week

  • Toddlers (18 months to age 2½) - $130/week
  • Preschoolers/School-age (age 2½ and up) - $125/week

    Part-time (4 or less full days per week @ 5 or more hours per day)

  • Infants (birth to 18 months) - $30/day
  • Toddlers (18 months to age 2½) - $28/day
  • Preschoolers (2½ years and up) - $25/day

    Hourly Rate (less than 5 hours per day) - $3.50/hour

    Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance, therefore, no credit is provided for absences due to illness or other times the child is not in attendance. The only exceptions are days MunchkinLand is closed for reasons other than national holidays.

    The provider reserves the right to revise the rates. A 30-day written notice of any rate change will be given to parents prior to its implementation.

    Late Pick-up Fees:
    After the agreed departure time, parents will be assessed a $5.00 per child late fee for every 15 minutes (or part of 15 minutes) they are late in picking up their children. The same applies if a child is dropped off before the scheduled arrival time. I understand that circumstances occasionally prevent a parent from arriving on time to pick up his/her child. In such instances, please notify me as early as possible so both myself and your child can be advised. (The late fee is still assessed even if you notify you will be late.)

    Extended Absence:
    In the event your child needs to be absent for an extended period of time, (i.e. maternity leave, teacher summer break), a fee of 1/2 your normal weekly rate will be charged, due on the last day of the week your child is contracted to be in care for the current week. This is to hold your child's spot in the childcare program until s/he returns. A leave of absence must be approved by the provider and you must give at least two week's written notice.

    MunchkinLand will be closed for the observance of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Exact dates will be posted on the monthly calendar and in the newsletter. Payment for these holidays is due when the holiday falls on a day when your child would normally be in care.

    At your initial interview, you will be given an application packet containing the handbook and other informational forms. Return the application. Be sure to indicate the approximate first date of attendance on the forms (must be within 2 weeks). Once the application is received and we determine that your child is accepted into the program, you will be sent a second packet with more forms to be filled out and returned on or before the first day of attendance. These forms include emergency information, food program information, media release, touch policy, and the child care agreement. Please return the contract and deposit as soon as possible. The first week's fees, along with all the other completed forms and a copy of the child's immunization record, are due on your child's first day at MunchkinLand. Licensing rules dictate that care can not be provided without the appropriate paperwork on file. It is the parents' responsibility to update forms as necessary, i.e. new round of vaccinations, change of phone number or employer, etc.

    Provider Illness:
    Caring for many small children leaves me and my family at great risk for becoming ill. On rare occasions I may need to close MunchkinLand due to an illness in my family. I understand you will have to pay someone else to care for your child, therefore payment is not required when I have to close due to illness. It is the parents' responsibility to find other arrangements. Please have a back-up plan ready. On occasions where I need to leave for an appointment or emergency, a substitute will fill in.

    Meals and Snacks:
    MunchkinLand will supply each child age with breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack, except baby cereal/food and formula. Please do not send food of any kind (including candy, gum or juice) with your child. Nutritious snacks are welcome for birthdays or other special occasions when first cleared with the provider. Mealtimes are listed in the preschool schedule.

    Communication Policy:
    Communication between parents and the provider is essential if your child is to receive consistent, nurturing care. When I accept a new family into my business, I like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. It is important that there is a similar childcare philosophy between us. I welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that effect a positive outcome for the child. Your child will be happy to have the experience of the special people in his life working together and getting along with each other. This will allow your child to develop a sense of security and will allow us to develop a closer relationship. I am willing to work with you regarding any special needs or situations with your child. Please feel free to call me evenings until 9pm to discuss problems or concerns. Any information you share with me will remain strictly confidential.

    Children's work, monthly newsletters and daily reports are sent home in the child's mailbox. Please be sure to check this daily so you do not miss important information. Menus are posted on the refrigerator. Parents are welcome anytime during thir child's day, except naptime please. You are encouraged you to share any time that you may have. Some ways in which you might want to participate include:

  • Reading a book to the class
  • Sharing an experience or cultural tradition
  • Joining us on a field trip
  • Giving a tour of your work place
  • Demonstrating a hobby or special interest

    Please be aware that if I'm not expecting you, I may not be able to answer the door immediately. So please be patient!

    Termination of Care:
    The provider is committed to working with children and their families so that each child's experience is positive and rewarding. When circumstances prevent a child's needs from being met at the center or when a child's behavior is having a consistently negative effect on the well-being and development of other children, it may be decided to terminate that child*s enrollment. Care may also be terminated under the following conditions:
  • Failure to provide the required forms for enrollment
  • Non-payment of childcare fees or late fees
  • Non-compliance with policies and procedures
  • Consistently bringing sick children to care or failing to notify the provider when a child is staying home sick
  • Unwillingness to work with the provider on issues relating to the child

    Parents must give a two-week written notice (14 calendar days) when terminating childcare services. If a two-week written notice is not given,the parent will pay for two weeks of care in lieu of notice. In the event that small claim's court is needed to be involved, the parent will be responsible for all court costs.

    Child Abuse:
    I am required by law to report any form of physical, sexual or emotional abuse of any child in my care. I have been trained in the recognition of all forms of child abuse. If I notice any signs of abuse at any time, I will alert the child's parent(s) immediately both verbally and in writing, along with a full description of the symptoms (bruising, sores, sudden extreme behavioral changes, etc.). I will document the same information for myself and, if necessary, the proper authorities will be contacted. This includes forms of neglect, such as not using a proper child restraint in a vehicle. You may get notes about your child having bruises or scrapes without needing to fear that I suspect you of abusing your child. The notes I send home are just to alert you in general of any injuries noticed, and also to protect myself from mistaken accusations of abuse.

    Items from Home:
    Bringing things from home (toys, coins, jewelry with small pieces) is strongly discouraged - except for naptime necessities, which will be kept in the child's cubby . These things get lost, broken, may pose a choking hazard, and the children tend to not want to share things from home. Blankets and pillows used for naptime will be sent home every other week for laundering.

    What to Wear:
    Children should come to MunchkinLand dressed in appropriately-sized durable play clothes. This program is designed to keep children active. I take reasonable precautions to keep the children as clean as possible and to keep their clothing from becoming damaged. Please bring a labeled change of clothing. Daily outdoor activity is very important for young children and is a regularly planned daily activity. A child who is well enough to be in care is well enough to play outdoors. This provides the fresh air and movement needed daily for your child's general well-being and healthy development. You can help your child enjoy outdoor activities by making sure that s/he is properly dressed for the weather. In cold weather, this includes boots, warm coat, sweater, snow pants, mittens and hat. In warmer weather, this includes wide-brimmed hat, shorts, sandals, and sunscreen. Children play outside every day unless weather is inclement (below freezing, raining, etc).

    Child Illness Policy:
    Communicable illnesses are very common in childcare settings. Here at MunchkinLand, I strive to keep the children safe and healthy, therefore I must adhere to a strict illness policy. Please notify the provider at least one-half hour prior to the usual arrival time in the event your child will stay home sick, or is going to be late for whatever reason (but please no earlier than 7am). If I do not receive notice, and this happens more than once, your contract will be subject to termination. The operating expenses for MunchkinLand are the same whether your child attends or not. Therefore, no deductions in the weekly fee will be made for sick days. If your child stays home sick on a day when payment is due, payment must still be made by the end of the day or late fees will be added.

    Health Department regulations prohibit the admittance of ill children into a family childcare home or center. A child cannot be brought to my childcare home if s/he is displaying, or has displayed within 24 hours:

  • a fever (>99F under arm; >100F orally; or >101F rectally)
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • or symptoms of any communicable disease (rash, sore throat with swollen glands, severe coughing, eye discharge, yellowish skin or eyes, green or yellow or clear and thick runny nose)
  • or if the child is irritable, continuously crying or requires more attention than I can provide without endangering the health and safety of other children in my care

    Children may attend with common cold symptoms (clear, watery runny nose, happy and playful, no fever), but if the symptoms persist for more than the usual 7-10 days or are worsening (runny nose becomes thick, green or yellow, child is irritable, fever >100F orally), you will be asked to remove your child and seek medical attention to be sure a secondary infection has not set in.

    If your child becomes ill while in my care, you will be called to come pick him/her up immediately. S/he will be kept in an isolated area until you arrive. You will have a one-hour window to pick up your child before I begin calling the emergency contacts in your child's file. The child may return to my childcare home when s/he is free of symptoms without the aid of medication for 24 hours or has been on antibiotics for 24 hours and is no longer contagious. Parents who consistently bring their child to my home while ill will be terminated. Although it may seem inconvenient when your child is sent home, you will appreciate knowing your child's exposure is minimized when other children become ill.

    When medication is to be given by the provider, the medication must be in its original container, clearly labeled, sealed in a Ziploc baggie with the child's name on it, and given directly to the provider. Please do not leave medication of any kind in a diaper bag or the child's cubby. A medication permission form is required by the state for all medications, including prescription, non-prescription, diaper rash cream, bug spray and sunscreen. Please be prepared to fill out this form at drop-off. I cannot give any medication of any kind without one.

    Outdoor Play:
    I take reasonable precautions to keep the children as clean as possible and to keep their clothing from becoming damaged. Daily outdoor activity is very important for young children and is a regularly planned activity. A child who is well enough to be in care is well enough to play outdoors. This provides fresh air and movement needed daily for your child's general well-being and healthy development. You can help your child enjoy outdoor activities by making sure that he or she is properly dressed for the weather. Children play outside everyday unless the weather is inclement (below freezing, raining, etc.).

    Every attempt will be made to ensure that your child will be in a safe environment, but no matter how much we monitor conditions, accidents do occur. In the event of a serious accident, you will be contacted for instructions. If you or your emergency contact person is unable to be reached, emergency actions and/or whatever means is necessary will be taken in order to provide the best care for the health of your child. All incidents and accidents will be documented on an accident report with your signature.

    MunchkinLand has a no-nit policy. When an outbreak occurs, all toys made of cloth that can be washed will be washed in hot water and dried in a hot dryer. Cloth toys that cannot be washed will be bagged and put in the garage for 14 days. The carpet will be vacuumed thoroughly. Each child will be checked regularly for nits. Any child with nits will be sent home immediately. Children may return to care when they have been treated and are nit free. If lice recurs, then a doctor's or nurse's note will be required before readmittance into childcare.

    All infants are put down to sleep on their backs, in the manner recommended by the SIDS Alliance and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Exceptions to this policy are made only *under the direction of the infant's pediatrician. Diapers are checked/changed every 2-3 hours, sooner if soiled. Infants are fed on demand.

    Toilet Training:
    The most ideal setting for toilet training is probably at home for a week or two of 1:1 with Mom and/or Dad. But for most of us, that ideal isn't feasible. Therefore, for practical reasons, but especially for sanitation reasons, I have adopted the following policy/criteria:
    FREQUENCY - I will help and encourage and take your child to the potty at reasonable intervals (mid-morning, after lunch, after nap. . .) but I do not believe in the philosophy of taking a child to the bathroom every hour. It doesn't help a child learn bladder or bowel control.


  • Is able to follow simple directions
  • Recognizes when wet or soiled, is uncomfortable with being wet or soiled
  • Remains dry for long periods of time during the day
  • Has regular and predictable bowel movements (showing more muscle control
  • Can pull pants and underwear or Pull-ups up and down.
  • Willing to use the potty.

    If your child is not exhibiting most of these readiness signs, be patient a while longer. Rushing a child through the toilet training process will result in tears and frustration. Starting too soon may actually delay the process. Toilet training will be easier when the child is ready.


  • While in training, your child must wear pull-ups training pants until s/he can announce that s/he needs to use the bathroom and is accident-free for 2 full weeks
  • Your child needs to dress in clothing that is easy to pull on and off (sweatpants are BEST or other loose fitting elastic waist pants or shorts ~ the thicker the better for absorbency purposes)
  • No buttons, snaps, zippers, complicated/long dresses, jumpers, belts, overalls or long shirts. (It is a lot for them to learn in the beginning without adding unbuttoning, unzipping and unsnapping to the list)
  • Please provide TWO complete changes of clothing during training.
  • Your child has to be dry for TWO WEEKS before wearing underwear without protection.


  • If your child has an accident, he/she will need to return to diapers or Pull-ups until he/she is dry for TWO WEEKS at daycare.
  • In a daycare setting, your child may be more distracted and it could make it more difficult for him/her to make it to the potty.

    I will not attempt to work with your child on toilet training until a good routine has been established at home FIRST! Children are very active and distracted in a daycare setting and accidents may occur more frequently. I will be more than happy to work WITH parents on toilet training ~ this is a partnership! I have also learned that if a child is not ready for this major milestone, it can be a very unpleasant experience for all involved, most importantly, the child. It may be necessary and even helpful to quit toilet training for a period of a week or two and then go back to it if the child becomes discouraged or unenthusiastic. This is an exciting time ~ let's work together to make it successful!

    Field Trips:
    Children participate in field trips at various times throughout the year. Parent volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Notice of field trips will be given in the monthly newsletter. Occasionally, there may be fees related to the trips to cover entry fees or to pay for a helper if a parent volunteer is not available. I will take all possible precautions when transporting the children in my van.

    Drop-Off/Pick-Up Times:
    It is required that you or an authorized adult accompany your child inside at arrival and departure time. It is the parents' responsibility to deposit and retrieve their child's belongings to and from the cubby each day. This helps to settle your child in for their stay at MunchkinLand and shows him you care about his space. Coats go on the coat rack and shoes go on the rug by the door.

    It is normal for some children to have difficulty separating from parents or cry when being dropped off. Please be very brief during drop-off times. The longer you prolong the departure, the harder it is for the child. A smile, a cheerful goodbye kiss, and a reassuring statement that you will be back are all that is needed. Children are usually quick to get involved in play or activities as soon as parents are gone. Please be very brief at departure times also. When two authority figures are in the same room together, children will naturally test the boundaries. Please help show your child that you respect my rules and me by reminding him that the rules still apply whether his parents are here or not. When parents enter MunchkinLand to pick up their children, they are no longer under our supervision. The parent is reponsible for the safety and behavior of the child at that time. Children should be supervised and not be allowed to run upstairs or outside alone. For the safety of other children, please do not leave your vehicle running when you drop-off or pick-up your child.

    If somebody other than the parent is picking up a child, the parent must notify the provider in advance, and have the person's name listed on the child's information card. That person will be required to show I.D. before picking up the child. Please be sure that the provider is aware of your child's arrival and departure. Parents are responsible for providing copies of legal documents preventing non-custodial parents from picking up the child. Any person picking up a child in an impaired condition (under the influence of drugs or alcohol) will be encouraged to allow me to find alternate transportation. I cannot legally withhold a child from a parent or legal guardian, however, I will not hesitate to call the police if I feel the child is in jeopardy.

    Fire Safety:
    Fire safety is a regular theme of the children's curriculum. Evacuation routes and procedures are posted near the cubbies. Fire drills are held once a month to practice evacuating in under 2 minutes.

    Nap and Rest Time:
    All children participate in rest or nap time in the afternoon. Please do not ask me to keep a child awake during naptime. If the child falls asleep, then s/he must need the rest. Each child will have a cot (or pack 'n play for infants and young toddlers) and will be encouraged to rest quietly. Each child may bring a small pillow and blanket for rest time. Children are welcome to bring security objects from home if needed.

    The philosophy of a child-centered classroom, with its freedom, independence and opportunities to make choices, does not overlook the importance of discipline. Safety and respect for the rights and feelings of children need to be incorporated into any method of discipline. Discipline for infants is a matter of safety. There is no such thing as a bad or naughty baby. They do not understand rules or consequences. A safe environment is provided to prevent problems by:
  • Removing and keeping the child away from harmful areas
  • Saying "no" in a calm but firm manner when s/he is in danger
  • Child-proofing areas where infants play
  • Helping older children understand what things need to be kept away from babies and why

    Toddlers are beginning to understand simple directions, but they are unable to remember things, so rules are repeated frequently. Because the toddler is struggling to understand his/her world, s/he often exhibits acceptable behavior with unacceptable objects; i.e. throwing blocks. Safety procedures used with infants are used with toddlers as well as:

  • Keeping things out of reach
  • Removing him/her from frustrating situations
  • Talking to him/her about his/her feelings and giving him/her words to express those feelings
  • Redirecting attention
  • Focus on "do*s" instead of "don*ts" and outline for them how to handle the situation in a better way. Telling a child what "not" to do does not prepare him/her for what "to do" in the future.
  • Give a choice. It is important for children to learn to make decisions. "Sit at the table or sit in the high chair."
  • Explaining a more appropriate behavior ("Blocks are for building." Or "Keep the blocks on the floor, please. You can throw a ball when we go outside."

    Preschool and school-age children are better able to understand and remember rules and consequences. The children are reminded of what is expected of them at all times. When children know what is expected of them, problems are less likely to occur. The basic rules are:

  • Walk while inside
  • Use quiet voices while inside
  • Use polite words (no name-calling, foul language)
  • Be kind to our friends (no hitting, kicking, pushing, biting, pulling hair, taking toys away
  • Use manners (please, thank you, etc.)
  • Use toys respectfully
  • Follow directions
  • When a problem does occur, positive methods of discipline are used in a quiet, calm manner. These methods encourage self-control, self-direction and cooperation. The child is directed and encouraged to solve his/her problems using polite words. "I" messages are used with children such as: "I don't like to hear those kinds of words" or "My job is to keep you safe and I can't allow you to stand on the table." The methods used are:

  • Redirect attention
  • Focus on "do*s" instead of "don*ts." Explain a more appropriate behavior.
  • Have child sit in time-out, if necessary, to gain control of him/herself

    If a child is misbehaving or hurting another child, and does not cease after attempts at redirection and verbal warnings, I will place him or her in a “time-out”. A child will never be left alone during a time-out. I use time-outs to calm the child down, and then I use behavior-modification techniques to encourage appropriate ways of acting. My goal is to help each child develop a strong sense of self-discipline and self-esteem. If a child seems to exhibit a behavior that is not age-appropriate and it continues to be a problem, I will set up a time when the parent and I can work together on possible solutions. If a problem becomes so severe that it is disrupting the other childrens' daily activities, removing the child from the program will have to be considered.

    When attempts at behavior modification continues to be unsuccessful, I will conference with the parents to work together on possible solutions. If a problem becomes so severe that it is disrupting the other childrens' daily activities, then another child care arrangement will have to be considered. We believe children are responsible for their actions and we teach them to respect other people's property and the value of those items. Should a child break a toy or personal item due to excessive roughness after they have been asked not to, or because s/he broke a rule, parents will be responsible for AT LEAST 50% of the replacement cost.

    The following methods of discipline will never be used on any child at any time.

  • spanking, hitting, pinching, slapping or any forms of physical force
  • restricting a child's movement by binding or tying him/her
  • mental or emotional cruelty
  • depriving meals, snacks, rest or toilet use
  • confining a child to a closet or locked room

    Moderate restraint may be used to prevent a child from harming him/herself or other persons or property, or to allow a child to gain control of him/herself.

  • All images on this web site MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED without the permission of the Original Graphic Artists. If you wish to obtain any graphics seen on this site, use the links provided to the original graphic artists' sites and READ THEIR TERMS before taking any graphics. It is their kindness that allows us to decorate our sites using their talented artwork.

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