The end of WW2 in Bulgaria was marked by invasion of the Red Army and the communist coup of September 9th, 1944. The political system of soviet dictatorialship lead to bloody elemination of all political opponents. Affter the fabricated referendum the monarchy was suspended, Bulgaria became a constitutional People Republic, by USSR model. In the era of socialist Stalinism and absolute henophobia, communist leaders purged the country of intelectuals and well off citizens unlucky enough to be in the opposition camp prior to 1944. Before the mass purges of the communist party could begin, party leaders took an offensive against the Protestant Pastors and ministers in Bulgaria.

Historicaly associated with the west by 1940's, Bulgarian Pastors were increasingly educated abroad. Baptists were associated with Germany. Congrigationalist often took their theology degree in the seminaries of Massachusets. Mehtodist being associated with the Methodist Missionaries from the New York area in their second and third generation increasengly went to seminaries in Germany. Pentecostals traditionaly went to the Biblical Institute in Danzing and England. Because of that they were the perfect target of communist fear. The pastors were considered ideological leaders of dangerous for society doctrines. Theay also were percived as servents of the west, spies. In the 1940's due to their education abroad Bulgarian Protestants were also permiating the layers of the middle class and as such were in opposition to the working class proletarians. This however is a very small exception, an idea more sutable to communist ideology(religion always being percived as tool in the hands of aristochracy). Although very little is writen on the subject Protestant pastors in the 1949 trial came from a very poor background. In fact a subject which needs further discusion is the role Pentecostalism plaied in an increasingly poor society in the 1920-1940's(following the 2 Balkan wars, and WW1 and WW2).

Here are a few articles from Washington Post and New York Times and the way they showed the staged Pastors trial of the 1949. A question which I would like to rais is weather the communist puresuted the Pastors out of hatered or real paranoia. Much have been writen on the psychological fear and communal paranoia of spaing and anti-communist activities in the Satalinist era. Also the testemonies of the Bulgarian Pastors of the 1949 speak of open anemosity of the guards in prison, however not enough is said on the motives.

1949-1 .... 1949-2 .... 1949-3 .... 1949-4 .... 1949-5 .... 1949-6 .... 1949-7 .... 1949-8 .... 1949-9 .... 1949-10 .... 1949-11 .... 1949-12 .... 1949-13 .... 1949-14 .... 1949-15 .... 1949-16 .... 1949-17 .... 1949-18 .... 1949-19 .... 1949-20 .... 1949-21 .... 1949-22 .... 1949-23 .... 1949-24 .... 1949-25 .... 1949-26 .... 1949-27 .... 1949-28 .... 1949-29 .... 1949-30 .... 1949-31 .... 1949-32 .... 1949-33 .... 1949-34 .... 1949-35 .... 1949-36 .... 1949-37 ....
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