Support Services

1999 Archive
Internship Issues
Health Services
Support Services
Union Services



Support Services for Doctors and Medical Students There are a number of services specifically for doctors.  This indicates that doctors have particular needs.  These needs can be served through generic support services, however the nature of the breed indicates that many doctors are reluctant to seek help.  This reluctance starts during medical school, with many medical students avoiding support services, believing that they should be able to resolve their problems alone.  Clearly, any one of us may require support at some time, and knowing that there is a specific organisation for our needs can help overcome the barrier to seeking help.

Some services are organisations based around special components of students and doctors lives, including cultural background, gender or sexuality.  Other services are based around particular needs such as drug or alcohol abuse, health or medicolegal issues.  All of these groups cater for medical student's needs as well as doctors needs.  In many cases it is possible to join the organisation in order to meet with colleagues with similar interest and perhaps provide support yourself to others in the group.


Academic Mentor - School of Medicine I would like to officially introduce myself to the members of the OMSS.  I have been in the new position of Academic Mentor to the School of Medicine since February 1999 and have seen several individual students from each year level since then.  My role is to support any student who feels that they need help, both academic help and personal support.

Many medical students feel the stress of doing medicine.  This is brought about through the heavy academic load of long contact hours and difficult subjects.  Unfortunately, there is a mis-perception that as medical students you are expected to be self-sufficient, able to deal with any challenge that comes your way.  In fact, it is much more helpful to seek help for problems early, rather than let them overcome you.

I am very keen to see any student, at any year level that needs help.  You can make an appointment with me by ringing Rachel Wilson on 9344 7183.  You can usually get in to see me within a couple of days of ringing.  I like to spend an hour or so with you when you first come, and then either help with problems myself, or sometimes refer you to see one of the University support services.  I have also developed a list of medical support services and organisation that are specifically tailored to the needs of doctors and medical students.  This will be available at the School of Medicine office.

So please come and see me if you need to.  In my other life I am a General Practitioner, experienced in counselling, so in other words, I like listening.  My service is entirely confidential, so you can tell me anything!!

Dr Ruth McNair
Department of General Practice and Public Health
Ground Floor, 200 Berkeley St, Carlton
[email protected]
Appointments:  ring Rachel - 9344 7183


International Centre The University has a policy of care for international students to enhance each student's adjustment to university life in Australia.  The International Centre coordinates international student activities on campus.  Applications to study here are received and processed by this Centre.  Student Support Services staff coordinate the University's support for international students, including pre-departure information, airport reception, assistance on arrival, temporary accommodation, health insurance, orientation, visa extension and ongoing support. The Student on Arrival Assistance Program provides individualised settling-in support to newly arrived international and interstate students.  Settling-in assistance and English as a Second Language (ESL) support is also available to the spouses and families of international students and visiting scholars.  Student Support Services staff are located at the International Centre and in the Baldwin Spencer Building.  Mail for international students may be directed to the International Centre.  For further information and assistance students are encouraged to visit the International Centre, which is located near Gate 6 on Swanston Street, close to Grattan Street.
Phone:  03 9344 4505
Fax:  03 9349 3204
Email:  [email protected]
Web site:


International Student Support Services The Student Support Unit and the Centre for Intercultural Development within the Student Union, work with and for overseas students, providing programs and support on issues arising from academic and cultural adjustment, and seek to make the University more culturally inclusive.  Talk to Student Support staff on the third floor of Union House, or tel. 03 9344 4819.

Sister Carol Hogan is available far counselling, spiritual direction, bible studies and theology groups.  She also networks with student groups and organises camps and interaction with Australian students. Carol's Centre hours are Monday to Wednesday and Friday, 10.30am to 4.30pm, tel. 03 9344 4825.

The Centre for Communication Skills and English as a Second Language (ESL) administers two programs which may be of assistance to international students: the Communication Skills Program (credit courses for native English- speaking and highly proficient non-English speaking background undergraduates) and the ESL Program (credit and non-credit courses as well as tutorials for migrant and overseas students). Contact staff at 151 Barry Street, Carlton 3053, tel. 03 9344 4491.  Centre hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.


Student Support Services
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Financial Aid
  • International Student Support
The Student Support Service provides services in housing, employment and financial aid.

Address:  Ground floor, Baldwin Spencer Building, corner of Tin Alley and and Union Road
Phone:  03 9344 6550
Fax:  03 9344 5624
Email:  [email protected]
Web site:


Medical Student Organisations  

Australian Medical Student Association (AMSA)
This body links all of the medical students  society around Australia.

Contact:  PO Box 1085, Nedlands, WA, 6909
Phone:  08 9386 4255
Email:  [email protected]
Web Site:

Melbourne Medical Students Society (MSS)
President:  Stefan Kane  [email protected]

Overseas Medical Students Society (OMSS)
President:  Sing-Jill Chow  [email protected]
Phone:  03 9344 4851 
Email:  [email protected]
Web Site:

Outlook is a student organisation which promotes health in under-resourced communities through awareness raising, practical projects and generating future career interests.  Meetings are held monthly, allowing for one dinner and one general meeting centred on each of indigenous, rural and international health during the academic year, with trips and special events in the holidays and throughout the year.

President:  Kelly Seach  [email protected]
Address:  Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, The University of Melbounre, 200 Berkeley St, Carlton 3053.
Phone:  9344 4914
Web Site:

National Rural Health Network
A network of University Rural Medical & Health Undergraduate Clubs.
Uni Melb Rep:  Richard La Nauze  [email protected]

Academic Mentor, The School of Medicine, University of Melbourne
A confidential service of support for individual students.  Needs that are addressed include personal crises, study problems, career advice, physical or emotional illness.

Contact Dr Ruth McNair
[email protected]
Appointments:  ring Rachel - 9344 7183


Doctor's Organisations  

Australian Medical Association (AMA)
Offers particularly medico-political support.  This includes support negotiating contracts of employment and a Resident Medical Officers group.
Contact:  03 9280 8722

Indiginous Health Advisor to the AMA
Ngaire is an Aboriginal doctor who advises the AMA on indiginous health.  She will also support individual doctors.
Contact:  Dr Ngaire Brown
Phone:  02 6270 5478

Confederation of Australian Medical Defence Organisations
Medical Defence Organisations represent the medical profession on medico-legal issues.  Membership is free to all medical students.  Including:
United Medical Protection
Contact:  Level 2, 60 Miller St, Sydney, 2060
Phone:  02 9922 202
Medical Defence Association of Victoria - MDAV
Contact:  165 Bouverie St, Carlton, 3053
Phone:  03 9347 3900

Doctors' Reform Society of Australia
The Doctors' Reform Society is an organisation of Australian doctors and medical students.  Members support health care reforms to ensure the healthcare system is just, equitable and providing quality care for all regardless of social or economic status.
Victoria:  PO Box 464, Clifton Hill, 3068
Phone:  03 9489 7518
Email:  [email protected]
Web Site:

Australian Medical Association of Victoria Part of the Australasian Council of Chinese Medical Association
Support Chinese doctors and students, run conferences.
Contact:  Dr Richard Hing, 03 9802 1108

Australian Lesbian Medical Association - ALMA
Supporting lesbian doctors and medical students around Australia.  For personal support and advocacy for patient health needs.
Contact:  Dr Gill McGovern. 03 9347 9422
Email group:  [email protected]

Victorian Arm of the Gay Medical Association - VAGMA
A multidisciplinary information and support network of gay health practitioners and practitioners interested in gay health issues.  Meetings periodically, about 4 times per year.
Contact:  Dr Ron McCoy
Email:  [email protected]

A Melbourne-based project which aims to raise awareness of the need to have your own GP and develop health-seeking behaviour amongst doctors and medical students.
Contact;  Dr Tony Rogers, PO Box 42 Diamond Creek 3089
Email:  [email protected]
Web Site:

Australian Doctors in Recovery - ADR
A fellowship of medical practitioners for whom alcohol and/or drugs have become a major problem.  This is a confidential and anonymous self-help group.  A Melbourne branch of ADR meets every 2 weeks.
Contact:  0418 546 654 or 0412 405 751
Fax:  03 9509 4525

Rural Medical Family Network
A support network for the families of rural medical practitioners.  It extends in some States to supporting rural registrars and their families.
Contact:  Dr Joanne Radnor, National President
Phone:  03 5725 7330

Women and Medicine
AMA Women and Medicine Committee
Chair - Dr Eileen Burkett

ACRRM Women in Rural Practice Committee
Email:  [email protected]
Web Site:

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Created: 01/07/2000
Last Modified: 24/08/2000
Maintained By: Paul Chou, Webmaster
Email: [email protected]

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This web site is a publication of the Overseas Medical Student Society (OMSS).
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