Treble clef!
Musical Information
Home page
This is a fun and informative look at classical music. It focuses on the humour and lighthearted aspects of music, with pages of facts and trivia, musical exam bloopers, and humour and jokes. Recently I added a few pages with quizzes and a crossword to complete.  Send your answers to me to get your name in my Hall of Fame!
Fun facts and trivia page
Musical jokes!
Exam bloopers and mistakes!
Instruments of the orchestra
Message Board
Please give me feedback!
Copyright and legal stuff!
There are also pages on the different instruments in the orchestra, exploring the various ways of playing them, either by hitting, blowing or using a bow to produce the notes. There will also be a little bit of information about the history of each instrument, and original pictures of each one.

This site has a
message board, which I hope people will use to ask questions, and generally express opinions on the different types of music that they listen to. You can also ask questions on this board which I will try my best to answer and help with.
Try my quizzes and get your name in the Hall of Fame!
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2003!
Try the new Christmas Quiz!
Sign my guestbook!
Sign my guestbook!
This site won the Zircanet Gold Award!
View my archived messages!
Winner of the Golden Web Award!
Child friendly site SITE LAST UPDATED: 6th January, 2003
Child-friendly site - labelled with ICRA
At the moment, this site is still being designed, and therefore you may find that some sections are not as detailed as you had hoped. Please be patient and check back often - I am trying to work on the site every few days, so there should always be something new!  I have also been having a few problems with the server exceeding the limit of data memory - as a result you may find that some days the site is temporarily unavailable. But bear with me, I'm working hard to resolve this! Please e-mail me with any queries, questions or comments you may have.

I get absolutely no money for making and running this site, regardless of the number of visitors I get!  But it is always satisfying to see the counter going up, and have comments in the guestbook. Thanks for reading this small print!
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