Designing Flags for a Gay America
    Without a doubt, one of the most controversial topics of discussion in America is homosexuality. The fight for civil rights of homosexual Americas to live in the same freedom as heterosexual Americans mirrors the fight for civil rights experienced by all ethnic and social groups in America. The fight for freedom of the slaves, the fight for woman's sufferage, the fight for African-American voting rights, the fight for collective bargaining for labor, the fight for internet freedom and many other fights are all part of the American experience.
     Despite the talk about "freedom" by many groups, especially right-wing, conservative Christian groups, "freedom" is the last thing on their minds. Groups like the "Heritage Foundation", which oddly enough uses the Liberty Bell as their logo, do not espouse freedom, but desire to roll back freedom and create an America with a narrow dictum of social morals.
     As part of what can be called "civil disobience", Gay and Lesbian groups have often raised the colors of the Gay and lesbian movement, often called the "Rainbow Flag".
     There have also been a number of variants that I have perosnally seen, each one being a jab at the powers that be. Each one a proclomation of pride in being oneself. Each one an act of defiance. I have peronally seen three variants. One flag known as "New Glory", is a gay version of the U.S. flag where the 13 red and white stripes are replaced by the rainbow stripes. Another variant of that flag used 50 white triangles in place of the 50 white stars.
     I have also seen a Canadian variant where the red stripes on either side of the broad white stripe are replaced by the rainbow stripes. Additionally I have seen a Texas variant, where the red and white stripes have been replaced by the rainbow stripes.
    This of course, gets me to thinking: "What would other state flags look like if some one decided to make Gay Pride Variants of each?"  Not just state flags perhaps, but regional flags as well. I am sure there would be a huge controversey over a flag if a few Southerners came out of the closet and proclaimed not only pride in their Confederate heritage, but in their sexual orientation as well!

"There ought to be limits to freedom"
- Geogre W. Bush
The "Rainbow Flag"
"New Glory":
Gay Pride in the USA!
Gay Maple Leaf:
Canadian Gay Pride
Gay Lone Star Flag:
Texas Gay Pride
Gay Alaska:
Those are some long
winter nights!
Gay Southern Pride:
Let's hear the Rebel Yell now!
Gay Arizona:
The Rainbow Sunrise
Gay Oklahoma:
Native America Pride
Gay Arkansas:
Ozark Gay pride
Gay Illinois:
Midwest Gay Pride
Gay Christians:
Halleluhah Pride
Gay Alabama:
Magnolia Pride
Gay Colorado:
Mountain Pride
Gay District of Columbia:
Capitol Pride
Gay Delaware:
First State Pride
Gay Florida:
Sunshine Pride
Gay Georgia:
Deliverance Pride
Gay Hawai'i:
Da Kine Pride
Gay Iowa:
Corn In the U.S.A. Pride
Gay Kansas:
Prarie Pride
Gay Idaho:
Spud Pride
Gay California:
Big surprise, right?
Gay Louisiana:
Bayou Pride
Gay South Carolina:
Palmetto Pride
Gay Maryland:
Ocean and Bay Pride
I am sure this is gonna generate allot of email, so don't be shy!
Gay Mississippi:
Mississippi Burning Pride
Gay Tennessee:
Volunteer Pride
Gay New Mexico:
Conquistador Pride
Gay Virgin Islands:
Carribean Pride
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