A Survival Guide for Black Gay Youth
About the Author
    You should know that this entire book was written, not by a field expert, but instead by a real-life young Black Gay Man himself. I do not hold a Doctorate�s degree in Africana Studies, or a Master�s degree in human sexuality, nor a Bachelor�s degree in child development. I have yet to conduct research for prominent institutions, or finish a thesis for an established graduate school. In fact, I hold only a high school diploma, and this book was written while I was in between my first and second year at Rutgers University. But although on paper I am presently no more than a mere �Freshmore�, I am compelled to remind you that life � that is, the act of living � grants us no formal degrees. Life does not have consecutive grade levels, or standardized tests, or graduation ceremonies; only trial and error. The sole basis of this book is that I have, in essence, lived it; and the weight of my credibility lies on the shoulders only of what I have experienced.
     But instead of reading this book with a cynical attitude, keep in mind that my authenticity works to your advantage. Instead of reading a book published by distant professors - probably too old to render any idea of practical issues faced by today�s Black Gay youth � you are gaining access to the advice of someone close enough to empathize with the many hardships you have had to endure. Instead of giving you a lecture-type rundown of the �do�s and don�ts� of life, I am giving you candid conversation. And this, I feel, will best benefit you. This book is just one of the many resources an individual could use to enlighten himself upon the complexities of being Black and Gay. My method of conveying this message takes the more casual approach � similar to an older brother giving you sound advice that you can actually apply.
     It is with this in mind that you heed my intent for this book, and furthermore, its impression on the text used throughout this publication. In writing this survival guide, I had to consider the variance of my audience. I wanted for Black Gay males ranging from ages 16 to 26 to be able to pick this book up and find it useful and understandable. Thus, I adjusted the vocabulary and language to be readable by a middle or high school student, while introducing them to new words that may be unfamiliar. I would hope that they would keep a dictionary nearby so that they can understand new words and expand their own vocabulary. Simultaneously, I tailored the language of the book to be comprehensible to the college man, while not seeming too juvenile.
     Another deviation from the standard use of English in this book is my capitalization of the first letter in the word �gay�, to designate it a proper noun. The term �Black� earned its place as a proper noun to identify African-Americans in an honorable and politically correct way, and it is my belief that the GLBTQ community deserves this same rhetorical honor. I wanted the Black Gay male who is reading this to know that it is equally as significant to be Gay as it is to be Black.
     It is with these actions that I hope to make this survival guide a book that can be used perpetually during the stages of life when the Black Gay man can be most unsure of himself. Get By: A Survival Guide for Black Gay Youth serves not only as my testament to climbing the great wall of adversity, but also as the hand I lend to help the next brother make it over.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
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Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathan W. Jones. All rights reserved.
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