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Who can get Certified? (as found in PMI web Site)

Category 1— 

Candidate holds a baccalaureate or equivalent university 

Minimum of 4,500 hours (at least 3 Years) of project management experience within the five (5) process groups within the last 6 years. Candidates must indicate at least thirty-six (36) unique (non-overlapping) months of project management experience to satisfy the three-year (3) requirement.

Category 2— 

Candidate does not hold a baccalaureate or equivalent university degree but holds a high school diploma or equivalent secondary school credential, 

Minimum of 7,500 hours (at least 5 Years) of project management experience within the five (5) process groups within the last 8 years.* Candidates must indicate at least sixty (60) unique (non-overlapping) months of project management experience to satisfy the five-year (5) requirement.

The 5 Process Groups (Source : PMBOK Guide) are:

Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Execution
Project Control
Project Closing

PMI does not indicate any special requirements on the number of hours, the candidate has worked on each process group but the total number of hours worked must be equal to or greater than the hours specified in each category

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            Site Maintained by: Anand Raghavendran, PMP
            Last updated on: 08/20/2000
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