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Resume Preparation Tips

Although PMI accepts your regular business resume along with the application, it is advisable to prepare a resume in the format specified by PMI (Resume format as found in PMI web Site).


1) You would have to submit a Experience verification form along with your exam application on which you have to specify the time you have spent on each process group in each of your project.  This times have to total to your total project experience.

2) To arrive at the time spent on each process group in each project you would have to go through almost the same hassle as writing a new  resume. So you can as well prepare a new resume

3) By submitting the resume in the format as required by PMI can make the evaluation easier for PMI and this increases the possibilities of getting your approval without a lot of clarifications and communications

4) Writing your resume in the PMI format also requires your understanding of the PMI terminologies for each knowledge area under the different process groups, you have covered 5% for your exam.

I would strongly advice you to prepare and submit the resume in the format specified by PMI

Click here for My Sample Resume



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