Image Gallery

Last Updated: July 28, 2005

Relena: Ok we've had to do something a little different with the gallery. The pictures are smaller, but they link to the bigger version, so if you'd like to save any of these pictures for yourself, just click on the thumbnail to get to the bigger version. ^_^ Also, we've had to remove some of the pictures because we weren't aware that we couldn't use them without permission..>_>;;
Meiran: Even though there are several other sites using the same pictures...>_>;;
Catherine: We hope you enjoy the gallery anyway, though..^_^;;

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Relena:Welcome to the image Gallery where you'll see pics and we'll comment on them. Above, you will see a pretty pic of me!
Meiran: What's with your expression? Heero embarrass you again?
Relena: Shut up.
Dorothy: I think it's kinda cute.
Relena: Shut up.
Dorothy: What?
Catherine: Who put this up?
Hilde: Probably Heero, you know how he's always saying Relena's cute when she's mad.
Relena: Yes, he says that a lot. Hilde: *giggle*

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Dorothy: Well, Well, Well. What do we have here? A beautiful pic of me. XD
Meiran: Uh huh. Whatever you say.
Relena: Here, you'll see a picture
Meiran: Dorothy.
Relena: Right.
Dorothy: *glare*
Hilde: Dorothy! You cut you're hair!
Dorothy: I know. It was too long for me to handle.
Catherine: I like it better than the old style.
Dorothy: You would.....

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Dorothy: I did! What's wrong with it?
Relena: I respect that that annoying brat is a relative of yours, but that does NOT mean that you can put a picture of her up here!
Meiran: She is kinda cute, Relena.
Relena: O_O
Dorothy: Relena, she's my cousin!
Relena: I could care less if she were your daughter! She isn't even a hostess of the site! I can't believe you guys! Oh right. I forgot she didn't KIDNAP any of you!
All except Relena: *pathetic sigh* e_e;;

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Meiran: And here you'll see a picture of me, gettin' ready ta kick Wufei's .......
Relena: Meiran.
Meiran: Sorry. ^_^;;
Catherine: Fiesty, aren't we?
Meiran: Well I just wanna prove to everyone that I'm stronger than they are.
Catherine: Really? And do you mind telling everyone who won that little fight between you and Wufei, Meiran?
Meiran: *looks down* No. *pause* .........
He caught me off guard! That's the only reason I lost!!

Dorothy: Mmm-hmm whatever you say.
Meiran: Try me, Catalonia.

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Meiran:'s our gallery of No Yaoi not Anti-Yaoi banners. Feel free to use them or any of these pictures in the gallery for your site.
Relena: .......... Who put that one of me and Duo up here? WHO??
Meiran: C'mon Relena, it's pretty.
Catherine: Relena, it's all we could find, ok? There's a few of you and Heero.
Relena: Yeah? Like WHERE?
Dorothy: Like the one below it.
Relena: ........... Ok..Well, as long as there's a few of me and Heero.
Meiran: Aheheh...check out the one below that. Cute...Duo and Hilde. Ahehehehe.
Hilde: *blush*
Catherine: You guys look awfully happy together.
Hilde: *blushes, looks down*
Meiran: Next banner.....ugh..nevermind...-_-
Relena: Aw me and Heero's first kiss. ^_^
Meiran: Eeww..><;;
Hilde: NEXT...
Catherine: :O !!!!!
Meiran: AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Relena: Oh my, Catherine, we didn't know..^_^;;
Dorothy: Yeah Cathy, why didn't you tell us? >:)
Meiran: Sure...
Catherine: :O!!!!!!
Dorothy: Woah..dejavu..didn't we just see this one?
Meiran: Yeah, so moving on..AHAHA!!
Dorothy:...Now everyone raise your hands if you know that me and Quatre are NOT a couple...><;;
All: *raises hands*
Dorothy: Thank you -_-
Meiran: I think Catherine's still traumatized with that banner of her and Trowa...ahaha.
Catherine: :O........
Dorothy: Now this one must be one of those pics that "imply"...hmm Relena?
Relena: Oh, shut up. It doesn't show anything. And he's my husband..(ya fruitcake..) >_>
Dorothy: What was that...? >:o
Meiran: You ARE a fruitcake, Dot..-.-
Dorothy: WELL YOU-..
Hilde: Now that we've gotten completely off topic, I think it's best we go to the next picture...-_-;;
(BANNERS 4-9 were donated and made by Eveline! Thanks girl! ^_^)

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Relena: Above, you'll see a picture of all of us.
Hilde: Awwww...look at Catherine! A little possessive aren't we?
Catherine: *glare*
Meiran: Ok. Who is missing from this little Circle of Friends?
Dorothy: Mariemaia!
Relena: O_O
Meiran: *eyes closed, angry*
Hilde: Lady Une?
Relena: Oh yeah, Lady Une!
Meiran: *getting angrier*
Catherine: No not her. Who then?
Catherine: But Meiran! You're supposed to be dead!
Meiran: O.O

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Meiran: Awwww...look how cute I look! Although it would look a lot better without Wufei in it. Ya know there aren't many pictures of me out there.
Catherine: Cuz you're supposed to be dead.
Meiran: XP
Dorothy: Wufei is awfully strong.
Meiran: >___> What does THAT mean?!
Dorothy: *looks up* Oh nothing.
Merian: *mumbles* Dot.
Dorothy:*glares* You just call me Dot?
Meiran: I said not. Wufei is not strong. Not stronger than me, anyway.
All except Meiran: *pathetic sigh*
Hilde: Next...-_-;;

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Relena: If you'll look at the picture up here...
Meiran: We aren't tour guides, Relena!
Hilde: What's wrong Cathy? Got a cramp or something?
Catherine: What's with this picture? My expression is horrible! Who took it?
Relena: Miss Noin?
Catherine: I don't remember Miss Noin at the party!
Hilde: Check out Dorothy in the picture.
Catherine: Dorothy! Do you find my pain amusing?
Dorothy: Actually.....
Catherine: *glare*

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Meiran: Awww...look how cute I am!
Dorothy: Next picture.
Meiran: Hey, nu-uh! We gotta talk about my picture!
Dorothy: Nu-uh.
Meiran: Yes-huh!
Relena: your left you'll see a picture of Meiran. picture.
Meiran: You gotta say more than that!
Relena: Well, then you talk about it, and you have to say more than just "look how cute I am".
Meiran: XP
Hilde: There's nothin' to say about this picture, can we move on?

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Relena: Aw..look at my wedding picture!
Meiran: How come your dress is blue?
Relena: Huh?
Meiran: Your dress; it's BLUE....... *gasp* Relena!
Relena: It's not BLUE! It's WHITE!
Hilde: It does look blue, Relena.
Relena: It just has a blue tint to it!
Meiran: I'm gonna tell Heero!
Relena: What about your wedding picture?
Meiran: Where?
Relena: Down there.

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Meiran: Up there? What about it?
Relena: YOUR dress is RED.
Meiran: O.o.....How can you tell?! The picture's in black and white!
Dorothy: You showed it to us and it was red, Meiran.
Meiran: *closes eyes and crosses arms* Yeah, but you can't tell from that picture!

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Hilde: Moving on....HEY!
Relena: *gasp* I didn't put that up!
Catherine: I didn't either!
Meiran: Me niether!
Dorothy: Well, I didn't!
*Duo and Heero pop up*
Heero: We put it up!
Catherine: WHY?
Duo: Cuz we're worth it too! ;D
Heero: This aint a Loreal commerical...>_> Although come to think of it, you could use some...
Duo: Pardon? <_<
Meiran: Well you only hurt yourselves cuz you put a picture up of yourselves in MONKEY SUITS!
Duo: Monkey Suits!?
Meiran: You heard me, honky!
Duo: O.O
Heero: *pushes Duo aside* Listen, piglet. Just because this is your site doesn't mean you can make fun of us. >_>
Hilde: Why not? It's our site. And there's so much to make fun of. XD
Boys: >______________>
Relena: Yeah, if you're so critical, why don't you make one yourself? But if it's Anti-Relena and friends, believe me, you WILL regret it.
*Girls walk off to next picture*
Heero: I hate it when she does that. >_>;;
Duo: How come they can make whatever site they want, but we can't?
Heero: Because they're women, Duo. You can't live with em and you can't live without em.
Duo: *pathetic sigh* Guess you're right, buddy. -_-;;
Heero: But still....she's pretty cute when she's mad...XD

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Meiran: Aahahahaha. Look at me! Ain't I cute? I'm yellin' at Wufei.
Relena: again.....
Hilde: You torture that poor boy!
Dorothy: What are you saying to that poor boy?
Meiran: Poor boy!? For your information, DOROTHY. I'm calling him scholar boy. And a few other things that Relena won't let me say here.
Catherine: Why are you so mean to him?
Meiran: MEAN!? TO HIM!? He's the one who's always callin' me WOMAN.
Hilde: You could be a little nicer.
Meiran: *tears in eyes* Next picture... .____.

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Relena: Here we have a picture of Diana from Sailor Moon.
Dorothy: O_o;;; ...why...?
Relena: To make Meiran feel better. Meiran? *turns to Meiran*
Meiran: *stops crying and looks up* Huh? *looks at the picture* AWWWW! ^^ How CUTE!!! Diana? What's she doin' here?
Hilde: And now for something completely different........
Dorothy: Too late, Hilde. Next picture.

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Relena: O.O....^^ Ohhhh! Dorothy! Look at us! Aren't we cool?
Dorothy: ^^ Yuh, we sure are! I love your bathing suit.
Relena: Oh, I love yours, too! ^^
Meiran, Hilde, and Cathy: ~_~;;
Meiran: Miss Noin, and Lady Une are there, too.
Hilde: Just don't let Heero or Quatre see this picture.
Catherine: Next picture.

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All: .........XD!!!
Relena: *giggle* To your'll see....oh well you guys see it!
Meiran: Relena, why'd you put this up here? We agreed not to promote the boys.
Relena: I wanted to see what Dorothy would say about it.
Dorothy: WOW! Is it just me or does Duo look REALLY good here?
All except Dorothy: It's just you! ^^
Dorothy: O.o;;
Meiran: On to the nect picture! ^^
Catherine: And she says I talk too much. ~_~;;

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Relena: Look up, people, and here is another picture of me.
Meiran: *mumbles* Stuck up snob.
Relena: Now, Meiran. You're breaking your own rule.
Dorothy: Moving on.
Relena: The next picture is of me, too, so we might as well stay for a while.
Hilde: Hey! There aren't many pictures of me and Catherine here!
Catherine: Yeah!
Dorothy: We might fix that in the future..>__> If it'll make you guys shut up happy.
Hilde and Catherine: >______________>

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Dorothy: Ahahahahah! Not just you, Relena! I'm in it, too!
Relena: humph! >_>
Meiran: Hey, wait a sec! Look at Dorothy! She's hiding a piece from.........
*Dorothy runs up and covers Meiran's mouth*
Dorothy: Ahehehehe...what a kidder! ^^;;
Relena: *glaring at Dorothy* No wonder you won that game, you little CHEATER!!
Dorothy: picture.

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Relena: Ok, who put this one up here? I thought we agreed......
Dorothy: I did, Relena!
Relena: And why?
Dorothy: Can't resist a man in uniform....aheheheheh. ^^
Relena: You find me a man in uniform that's irresitable and maybe we'll put it up.
Meiran: They are kinda cute Relena. But you wouldn't really call them men, Dorothy.
Hilde: There's nothing to say about this picture so go on to the next -_-;;

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Meiran: If you're still here, look at the picture at the top.
Relena: What do you mean "if you're still here"?
Meiran: Do you think people are still here after all these pictures? e_e

Relena: It's possible...>.>
Hilde: Here's a picture *yawn* of Relena reading a book.
Catherine: What book is that Relena?
Relena: How should I know? That picture was taken a long time ago.
Meiran: Like, when you were skinny.
Relena: What!?
Dorothy: Meiran! That's false accusations!
Relena: Thank you, Dorothy.
Dorothy: She's fat even there.
Relena: EXCUSE ME!?
Dorothy: picture!

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Relena: Ok, here you'll see...oh....*smiles*
Meiran: *angry* Who put this up here!?
*all girls look at Dorothy*
Dorothy: Well, you have to admit this one's cute. They kinda look like the Backstreet Boys.
Hilde: Don't they always?
Catherine: It is kinda cute.
Meiran: Well.....*getting angry* lets move on...ok?

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Relena: Ahahahah! Look here, everyone. That's after I slapped that snot-eating brat!
Dorothy: Relena! That's my cousin you're talking about!
Relena: She kidnapped me, Dorothy.
Dorothy: So? I locked you in a room for hours!
Relena: Well being kidnapped was worse, *smiles* but thank you for reminding me, Dorothy. Now I won't speak to you for the rest of the day.
Meiran: Next picture.

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Relena: Oh this is pretty, even though that brat is in it.
Dorothy: Stop talking about Mariemaia like that.
Meiran: It would look better without the boys in it, too.
Catherine: Then it would only have Relena in it.
Relena: And?
Catherine: ~_~;;; Next pic.......

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Meiran: Look, Hilde! There's a picture of you! Right here!
Hilde: Yeah; in pain! I'm bleeding to death in that picture!
Dorothy: C'mon, Hilde. You know there aren't that many good pictures of you out there.
Hilde: Yeah? And what does that mean!?
Dorothy: ^^;; Well, I just meant that there aren't many pictures of all.
Hilde: Yeah, that's what you want me to believe. Look at that picture! I just risked my life to save those stupid gundam pilots, and what do I get back? I have to take care of the laziest one!
Meiran: Next picture.

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Hilde: Ha..look at Duo! Sally Po must be commenting on his boy habits.
Relena: Yes, Hilde. She's making fun of his food habits.
Hilde: ^^
Dorothy: Sally Po's mean.
Catherine: She is not. ^_^;;
Dorothy: She is.
Catherine: *looks at the picture* Now who can't take a joke, Duo? XD
Relena: Moving on...^_^;;

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Relena: Never mind. ~_~;;
Dorothy: Wow! What a pretty picture of me! ^^ Except for that stupid Cartoon Network thing.
Hilde: That Cartoon Network thing ruins the picture.
Meiran: It's not the Cartoon Network thing that ruins the picture.
Dorothy: *glare* What?
Meiran: Nothing. ^^;;
Catherine: Well, the picture's of Dorothy, not the Cartoon Network thing, ok? Move on to the next pic..-_-;;.

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Catherine: Hey look, guys! A picture of me! If everyone will look up, you'll see a picture of me. Isn't this a pretty picture, guys?
Dorothy: *yawn* Uh-huh
Catherine: Is that supposed to mean something? Dorothy: What?
Catherine: What you just did.
Dorothy: What? This? *yawn*
Catherine: Yeah, that. >:(
Dorothy: No, it just means that after all these pictures, I'm tired!
Catherine: Sure. >_>

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Relena: Oh! Look! It's another picture of me! Isn't it....*looks at expression in the picture* Why am I mad again?
Meiran: Probably something Heero did.
Relena: Will you knock it off? >_>;;
Meiran: What? He's the only one who makes you mad.
Relena: Well, actually Meiran, he isn't the only one who gets me mad cuz right now YOU'RE THE ONE TICKIN' ME OFF! ><;;
Meiran: Next picture. ^^;;

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Relena:'s another picture of a little girl.
Meiran: As a little brat.
Dorothy: Like Mariemaia? e_e
Relena: I KNOW you just didn't compare me to Mariemaia.
Dorothy: You call Mariemaia a brat?
Relena: Yeah?
Dorothy: Meiran just called you a brat.
Relena: *looks at Meiran* You just call me a brat?
Meiran: What you don't know can't hurt you.
Relena: You mean what I don't know can't hurt YOU.
Meiran: You threatening me?
Relena: Maybe.
Hilde: *pathetic sigh* ~_~;; Next pic...

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Meiran: Awww! It's the happy little couple, Duo and Hilde.
Hilde: *blushes*
Catherine: Hilde, you blushed the last time we came across this picture in the No yaoi banner section, remember?
Hilde: Well I can't help it. I do what my body tells me to do.
Meiran: Duo should know!
Hilde: What does that mean???!!!
Meiran: Oh nothing...^.^
Relena: We might have a lot less of a gallery if we didn't talk about each picture.
Dorothy: The Webmistress thought us talking about each picture would make it more intresting.^_^;;
Relena: Hmmm, picture.

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Relena: Ugh! That little....
Dorothy: You know need to look at this picture closely. You hate Mariemaia so much..but here, you're helping her after she SAVED you from a bullet. Now tell me if you still hate her.
Relena: >__________________>....I still hate her...
Dorothy: -_-
Hilde: Moving on..>_>;;

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Meiran: Awwww...still wanna mov...
Hilde: Shut up!
Dorothy: Ha! Lookit Duo!
Hilde: Yuh, he was jealous...of Trowa.
Catherine: ^^;;...o.o What were you lookin' at Trowa for?
Hilde: How could I not? ^^
Catherine: Moving on... >___>

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All: -_-;;
Relena: Lookit Duo..-_-;;
Hilde: We see 'im...-_-;;
Meiran: This is your birthday, right, Relena?
Relena: Uh huh. -_-;;
Dorothy: Duo is such a pig!
Relena: Don't worry...I'll just tell Heero that Duo is touching my bare shoulder in this picture.
Catherine: Obviously he doesn't care because he's standing right there watching him....

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All: o.o..........HAhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!
Meiran: Lookit Trowa! Hahahaha!!!!!
Hilde: Cute little penguins! Hahahahah!!!!
Dorothy: They look more like salt shakers! Hahahahahah!!!!!
Relena: Alright girls....Hhahahahahah!!!
Catherine: *giggle* What are they cooking?
Meiran: Who knows? Wufei cooks everything....and anything.
All: ^^;; Catherine: Trowa complains about me making soup all the time...and yet he doesn't even know how to cook himself.
Relena: Yeah..if he doesn't like what you cook, he should cook it himself.
Catherine: Heero's not too crazy about your cooking either, Relena.
Relena: At least I can cook other things besides soup.
Hilde: Next pic......^^;;

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All: hahahahahahah....
Hilde: You guys! I was scared!
Relena: Come on, Hilde...with a mouth like Duo's, there's no way he woulda choked to death.
Meiran: hahahahahah! Duo looks funny!
Dorothy: Well if I ate Hilde's cooking, I'd probably choke on it, too.
Hilde: We were at a restraunt, Ms. two-cents!
Dorothy: Two sense is better than none.
Hilde: O.O ...Why you.....
Meiran: guys....
Relena: Hmm...Duo looks good when he's choking......
Catherine: Wha?
Relena; No really.....
Catherine: Yeah..when his mouth isn't moving....
Hilde: *tears in eyes* I was scared.....
Meiran: He's ok, now, right?
Hilde:........I'm starting to wish I hadn't given him something to help. -_-;;
Catherine: Will you make up your mind?
Dorothy: Next pic....

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Relena: Here's a picture of you, Hilde.
Hilde: Aw...o.o...My eyes are big!
Dorothy: Hilde!
Hilde: Fine.....
Meiran: This is a weird picture.
Catherine: Hilde the water carrier.
Hilde: If I'm supposed to be some sacred water carrier, why am I in such a....a...common outfit?
Meiran: So people will know it's you.
Hilde: O.O......What does that mean!?
Dorothy: picture.

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Catherine: This one looks like the one of Hilde!
Meiran: 'Cept it's of you.
Catherine: Thank you for pointing out the obvious.
Dorothy: Now, you see? We have some pictures of you and Hilde. ^_^
Hilde: and Catherine aren't that popular. -_-;;
Relena: Catherine and I.
Hilde: -_-;;
Meiran: You know, I haven't seen any pictures of me lately.......
Dorothy: We'll take care of that later, Meiran. Next picture!

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Catherine: Nobody said anything about that card being the STRENGTH card. *looks at picture* Aheheheheheh! XD!!
Relena: Catherine! Don't be mean!
Catherine: You put it up here.
Meiran: I put it up here.
Catherine: Oh...not that I mind it being up here.
All: ^^;;
Hilde: Next......

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Catherine: as a little girl. Ain't I cute...?
Hilde: Really.......
Relena: ^^;;
Dorothy: You've always had that rebelious attitude, huh, Catherine?
Catherine: Hmmm......>___>
Meiran: Next pic..-.-;;

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Meiran: Why's my mouth open in this pic?!
Relena: It's always open. Meiran: Errrr! I mean why is it so quiet Relena!
Dorothy: You're yelling at that bald guy.
Hilde: Don't be upset,'s you showing a guy who's boss.
Meiran: Really? *looks at the picture* Huh...I guess it is. ^_^
Catherine: Thanks for the save, Hilde.
Hilde: No problem.
Dorothy: Next.

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Meiran: Who's the chubby kid?
Relena: Awww..that's me. ^_^....o.o...>_<..Meiran!
Meiran: Oops..sorry. ^_^;;
Catherine: cute.
Relena: Thank you...
Dorothy: Aww..little chubby cheeks.
Relena: >.<
Hilde: Aww..what a cute wittle baby.
Relena: NEXT!

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Dorothy: What a nice picture. O.o..Maganacs?!
Relena: Heero is spying on me!
Meiran: least you're with Heero!
Hilde: You can only see the back of my head!
Catherine: I like my picture. ^_^
Meiran: Let's get her!
Catherine: o.o
Hilde: Next pic...>_<

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Hilde: Poor Duo...I hope I didn't confuse him too much.
Relena: Hahahah...Don't worry, Hilde. He probably figured it out.
Hilde: ^_^;;
Dorothy: Poor Duo.
Hilde: you're making me feel bad, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Sorry, Hilde. ^_^;;
Catherine: Next picture. ^_^;;

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Dorothy: ^_^
Relena: ^_^
Meiran: NEXT...O_O
Dorothy: What? Hey! Why?
Meiran: We know what you're gonna say..Relena will say "Aw we're so cute." and Dorothy will say "Yes we are." And then you'll go on and on.
Catherine: Next?
Relena: *nod* .____.
Dorothy: *nod* .____.

Meiran: Oh this is cute...*sarcastically*
Relena: Awww.....^_^
Dorothy: Nobody wants to see your PJ's,'s a cute icon and all...but let's move on
Relena: Oh alright! Next pic! ><;;

Meiran: Oh this is just weird.
Hilde: Pretty horse.
Catherine: We have horses like that....except they can't fly...ok that's it for the galleries! ^_^ More pics may be added in the future, but for now, we hope you enjoyed!


Image Gallery
Words of Women (girls only!)
Why Do People Hate Relena?
The Mysterious Webmistress

Our Views On:
Each Other
The Gundam Pilots
The Site


Email the Webmistress

___________ Copywrite:
This layout was © and created by Strifekun. This layout was made especially for this site. Please do not modify in anyway.

The layout art was done by Chang Wumei. The orginial picture can be seen here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters. They are all credited to the dudes and dudesses that made GW. (the Bandai company, Hajime Yadate, Yoshiyuki Tomino, the girls who made Blind Target; Ground Zero, Episode Zero..and so on..^_^;;)

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