The Site

Last Updated: July 28, 2005

Relena: Ok here's what we have to say about the site! ^_^ What about the new layout we have! XD Isn't it gorgeous? ^_________^
Meiran: It's too pink..>_>;; I feel like I'm walking into a room where someone tried to eat cotton candy and chew bubble gum at the same time..><;;
Catherine: You just don't like pink..>_>;;
Meiran: e_e
Hilde: Well, I like it! ^_^
Dorothy: Me too! ^_^
Catherine: Me three! ^_^
Relena: Me-
Meiran: No kidding, Relena?? O_o;;
Hilde: You are a pink person, Relena..^_^;;
Relena: There's nothing wrong with pink! XP
Hilde: Nope, it's the color for girls! ^_^
Dorothy: Yep, the perfect color for the site! ^_^
Meiran: What about the music? Personally, I like it..I dunno what the complaints are. And it's not like these people don't have a volume button...e_e
Relena: Meiran, don't be rude...>_>
Catherine: The music just gives the site more feel. ^_^;; Most people like it...^_^;;
Relena: Anyway, it looks like the site is more than four years old now! :D We've come a very long way despite a few problems from flamers and those narrow-minded opinionated jerks who tried to phase us...>_>
Catherine: Way to show how they didn't phase us, Relena..e_e
Hilde: Seriously though, don't you think we'd have abandoned the site by now if they really phased us?
Dorothy: That's right. XD We're still going strong because of you guys who love us! And even though we've had to make several changes and add new rules, you guys have stuck with us and been patient and understanding and we wanna thank you so much for it! ^_^
Meiran: The Webmistress has learned a lot in the past few years, about people on the internet...and well....the world in general. ^_^;; She's grown up, and realized that not everyone in the world can be trusted to be understanding and patient. There are a lot of people out there who want to hurt others and try and bring us down. Of course, I already knew that. XD That's why I was always prepared. And that's why...
Catherine: Yeah, yeah Meiran. Anyway, what we're trying to say is, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, so we appreciate all the flamers who made us stronger! :D
Relena: Yeah like that song, "Fighter". XD Sing it Dorothy! XD
Dorothy: Right now? O_o;;
Catherine: What about "Can't Hold us Down?" XD
Meiran: I kinda like "Fighter" better..>_>;;
Hilde: "Can't Hold Us Down" is more of a feminist-type song, anyway..^_^;;
Relena: Yeah, "Fighter" fits this situation better. ^_^;; In fact, let's have it play in the background! XD
Everyone: YEAH!! XD
Meiran: Sing it, Dorothy! XD
Dorothy: e_e



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___________ Copywrite:
This layout was © and created by Strifekun. This layout was made especially for this site. Please do not modify in anyway.

The layout art was done by Chang Wumei. The orginial picture can be seen here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of the characters. They are all credited to the dudes and dudesses that made GW. (the Bandai company, Hajime Yadate, Yoshiyuki Tomino, the girls who made Blind Target; Ground Zero, Episode Zero..and so on..^_^;;)

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