

A.C. Green


          Heres air conditioiner..I mean...A.C.        Here's some fan trying to                                                                                                          act all bad, lol. He was really a                                                                                     Superfan, desperate to get a pic                                                                                     with his hero lol. He used his work                                                                                     vest & shades, trying to pose as                                                                                                  some kinda security guard.                                                                                                   What a stalker!!! j/k



 This was the moment he 1st noticed the stalker suspiciously making his

way around. J/K




    This is when he was 1st approached by the stalker who then asked if he could      pose w/him for a pic. A.C.was astonished, he responded "Umm....I really don't know you but I can sign an autograph for you."

  Alright well that's the end of our fiction story added with the pics...but the         caption under the fan pic is real. A.c. didn't say any of that stuff though, he was REALLY nice.


Tyronn Lou


        It was a sunny afternoon & Tyron was doing a signing. When out of the blue he saw....Magic Johnson coming his way.


         Time for Tyron froze at that moment.    He rushed to sign little Timmy's card.          He was so starstruck! 



                             When to his shock Magic asked Tyronn to sign a pic                              


"wha....wha...uha...? What! You want autograph??         



Magic Johnson




Laker Girls



All pics are copyright 1999 Mike Medrano and can not be

used for any purpose WHATSOEVER!


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