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Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China, is the nation's political and cultural centre.

The rhetorical slogans of the Cultural Revolution have given way to the MTV age. Chinese culture is lying side by side with the bursting city hub.

Look forward to a new Beijing who is preparing to shake the world during Olymics 2008.

| Shopping | Food


The Great Wall, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, spans across almost the whole China.

Badaling, is the best-preserved section of the Great World. lt has 19 strategically located signal towers (Feng Huo Tai), which were used to protect the capital against attack, bringing Badaling the name of "key to the north gate."

With an elevation of 600m, you can choose to climb your way up the steps or take the cable car. We suggest the steps though for the experience.

The Great World is the pride of the Chinese community.

China's most important ceremonies and demonstrations
are held right here at the Tiananmen Square.

Tiananmen Square is a national symbol with the Great Hall of the People, the Museum of the Chinese Revolution and the Museum of Chinese History. The Monument to the People's Heroes dominates the center of the square. The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the Qianmen gate, sit in the south.

There is a gigantic portrait of Chairman Mao on the Tiananmen Gate. Walk through the gate, and you will on your way to the imperial city - Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City (Gu Gong) was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The Outer Court in the south was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The Inner Court in the north was where he lived with his royal family.

Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare mysteries and treasures of China's history.

The Forbidden City lies right behind Tiananmen Square.


Beijing is boosting with major shopping areas all around the city, especially near Wang Fu Jing and Sanlitun.

Visit Old Beijing's street (Lao Beijing Yi Tiao Jie). Think old Beijing items sold in a shopping centre, but you can give the ghost house a miss.

We actually suggest that you walk around to explore your own, as there are shops everywhere. You never know what you are going to find.

Shops in Beijing are always very busy at nights.


Try the fried insects so crispy and salty that comes in a stick of 5.

Never leave Beijing without trying the famous Peiking duck, duck skin and cucumber wrapped with thin wrapper and dipped with special sweet sauce.

As Beijing is the capital city, food from other provinces can also be found here. Do not miss the famous Yong He franchises which serves the excellent soyabean drink.

Take a walk to Beijing Food Street. It is opened from evening onwards. It not only has Beijing delicacies, but other forms of exotic food. Fancy eating fried scorpions, cocoons, grasshoppers, cicadas etc topped with a pinch of salt. But you can choose to eat them raw too.

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