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Xi'an is one of the most ancient cities in China. Over the course of 1,100 years, 11 dynasties from Western Zhou down to the Tang built their capital here.

In Han and Tang times Xi'an was called Chang'an. It was the political, economic and cultural centre.

It is also an important international metropolis carrying on the economic and cultural exchange between China and many foreign countries.

Attractions | Shopping | Food


The Terracotta Warriors (Bing Ma Yong) are located at a place 1.5 kilometers east of the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

It was discovered in 1974 by a farmer and more excavations were made in the subsequent years. Vault 1 houses more than 6,000 life-size pottery warriors, chariots and horses arranged in battle formation. Vault 2 contains formations of pottery soldiers as the flank force. Vault 3 contains the military headquarters.

The Terracotta Warriors is really a magnificent sight, and makes you wonder who this was created 2000 years ago. Therefore, it is sometimes termed as the 8th wonder of the world.

Mr Yang, the farmer who found the Terracotta Warriors.

The city of Xi'an viewed from the top of Bell Tower.

The Bell Tower and Drum Tower in the city of Xi'an date back to the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Four streets radiate from the Bell Tower, extending to the north, south, west and east. The Drum Tower is at a short distance, to the northwest of the Bell Tower.

On the top of the Bell Tower, you can see the city wall of Xi'an, 11.9 Kilometres in circumference. The wall was rebuilt in the early period of the Ming Dynasty. This is the biggest and best-preserved city wall of ancient China

If you like pasar malams (little market stalls), you can either go to
Hui Ming Jie or Luo Ma Shi which is near the Bell Tower. Hui Ming Jie sells very intricate souvenirs and artifacts. You can find Chairman Mao's Little Red book and badges here. Good Chinese paintings are a still here. Even though most of them are imitations, they look just as good.

Luo Ma Shi is the typical clothing / shoes / fashion accessories / food market stall street. However, the prices are way cheaper and you are able to get really good bargains here. Do remember to haggle, especially if you look like a tourist.

A busy day at Hui Ming Jie, a street for Muslim Chinese.


For the cheapest and best food in Xi'an, go down to Hui Ming Jie. It has a long stretch selling Halal food.

The first stall of the street is a confectionary shop selling more than 150 types of traditional Chinese confectionary and cakes. They come in all shapes and sizes and they are handmade on the spot. They not only taste good, they look good.

If you thought you have tried the best dumplings on earth, you havn't been to Hui Ming Jie to try their Guan Tang Bao Zi. The dumplings come with minced meat or vegetables wrapped with soup in it. You just wonder how they stuff soup in the dumpling. The recipe is a family secret. The dumplings burn your mouth, but it's worth every bit of the bite.

Mutton is the most common meat of Xi'an. You must definitely try their Yang Rou Pao Mo (Mutton Soup).

However, first timers will be a little surprised at how this delicacy is eaten. You will first be served with what looks like a piece of bread dough. You will then have to tear the bread dough up with your hands into a bowl. (So do clean your hands before eating.)

You can choose up to 3 ways you can cook your dough. It usually comes in a bowl of hot and tasty Mutton Soup. The particular shop (Old Liu Shop) has kept the soup pot on fire for a hundred years! No wonder the Muttion Soup taste so rich.

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